Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/629

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1351. 1902. 563 other necessary employees for the month of June, nineteen hundred and two, two hundred and fifty dollars. INCREASING THE WATER SUPPLY: FOI' office expenses and pay of ,,,,{,‘;§§,°°“*“*¥ "'““" watchmen and other necessary employees for the month of June, nine- h - teen hundred and two, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. Except as otherwise provided, one—half of the foregoing amounts to tdgggggugom Dkmeet deficiencies in the appro riations on account of the District of ' Columbia shall be paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia ` and one-half from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. WAR DEPARTMENT. Wu` D¤P*¤’**¤¤¤*~ CoN·rrNoEN·r EXPENSES: To pay amounts found due by the account- °°“**“8°”*°¤P°¤¤°¤‘ ing officers of the Treasury on account of the a propriation, "Contingent expenses, War Department,” for the fiscal year nineteen hundred, twenty dollars and thirty-eight cents. STATEMENT or nEoE11··rs AND EXPENDITURES IN CUBA AND THE pg? ml Phill? PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: To enable the Secretary of War to employ tem- Statement of reporary force and to pay all necessary expenses, including rent of rooms $l££ md °x’°"dl` not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars, in compiling for the information of Congress a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures by the military government of Cuba since May first, nineteen hundred, in continuation and completion of the statement heretofore furnished of such receipts and expenditures covering the period from the beginning of American occu ation to and including April thirtieth, nineteen hundred; and to enable the Secretary of War to pay all necessary expenses in compiling for the information of Congress a similar statement relating to the Philippine Islands of all receipts and expenditures from the date of American occupation, thirty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be available until expended. , _ _

 or CERTAIN MILITARY STORES FUNDS! All funds received ,,§}j§‘§}f,d‘§ "“'““'Y

as the value of military stores transferred by the several staH` departments of the Army to the insular government of the Philippines shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States and remain available . during the uscal year nineteen hundred and three for the procurement of like military stores to re lace those so transferred. For payment of accounts fhr transportation of destitute citizens from de£$l}$E(Z§ii;l£{§_ JJ Alaskg. tp San Francisco and Seattle, eight thousand five hundred and ` tv dollars. Rrvmzs AND HARBORSZ For the improvement of the Ohio River imfrtiggiiiguz bebetween Cairo and Mound City, twenty~five thousand dollars, to con- Q,°,f,§d (§}§,,l"° ““d tinue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, and to be expended only if in the opinion of the Secretary of War an emergency exists and such expenditure is required in the interest of navigation. MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. m§ll‘°”’ E”'*"’“*h' PAY DEPARTMENT: For pay of officers of the staff and line, six hun- §$£.?$im°°L dred thousand dollars; for pay of enlisted men, nine hundred thousand dollars; in all, one million ive hundred thousand dollars, to be paid out of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for "Pay, and so forth, of the Army " for the fiscal year nineteen hundred, which is hereby reappropriated for said purposes. _ m F or mileage to officers traveling without troops, when authorized by tif,l?’§€?;f’g0'§?”‘ law, one hundred thousand dollars, to be paid out of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for “Mileage to officers traveling without troops " for the fiscal year nineteen hundred, which is hereby reappropriated for said purpose.