Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/583

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FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1328. 1902. 517 cases decided under such land-grant Acts), but in no case shall more M°X*m“m· than fifty per centum of full amount of service be paid: Provided, That {gg9g;- com nw such compensation shall be computed upon the basis of the tariff or tion. pe lower special rates for like transportation erformed for the public at gge, 3.;:51 Jshaljwbte alctcepted as in (full folr all demands for suchdservice: ovi _ uri , at in ex en in the mone appropriate b this l"*“Y Per °°¤* *° Act a railroad company which has nit receivedv ad inpbonds oyf the iiiierdids not bond United States and which obtained a grant of public land to aid in the construction of its railroad on condition that such railroad should be a post route and military road, subject to the use of the United States for postal military, naval, and other Government services, and also subject to such regulations as Congress may impose restricting the char e for such Government transportation, having claims against the Iinited Statesrfor transportation of troops and munitions of war and military supplies and property over such aided railroads, shall be paid out of the moneys appro riated by the foregoing rovision only on the basis of such rate for the transportation of such) troops and munitions of war and military supplies and property as the Secretary of War shall deem just and reasonable under the foregoing provision, such rate not to exceed hfty per centum of the compensation for such Government transportation as shall at that time be charged to and paid by private parties to any such company for like and similar transportation; and the amount so fixed to be paid shall be accepted as in fu l for all demands ` for such service, twenty-five million dollars: Provided, That the bal- mfg‘s“';§j ‘g;£};,§;° ance of the appropriation of one hundred thousand dollars made by the Vc1i31,i5.214. ` Act of May twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred, for construction of military roads and bridges in Alaska remaining unexpended on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, is hereby reappro riated and made available for such construction: Provided further, That the number of draft D’““ “”im”"‘· animals purchased from this appropriation, added to those now on hand, shall be limited to such numbers as are actually required for the service. Crormnc, AND oAm· AND oA1m1soN EQUIPAGEZ For cloth, woolens, g8‘fj§,?£*,j*;§j,g*;$j7!j{,¤¤° materials, and for the manufacture of clothing for the Army, for issue ` and for sale at cost rice according to the Army Regulations; for altering and fittinig clotlling and washing and cleaning, when necessary; for equipage, an for expenses of packing and hand ing, and similar necessaries; for a suit of citizen’s outer clothing, to cost not exceeding ten dollars, to be issued upon release from confinement to each prisoner who has been confined under a court-martial sentence involvin dishonorable discharge; for indemnity to officers and men of the grmy for clothin and beddin , and so forth, destroyed since April twenty- second, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, by order of me ical officers of the Army for sanitary reasons, four million dollars. CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR or HosPrrALs: For construction and H°°¥’"°·]'- repair of hospitals at military posts already established and occupied, including the extra·duty pay of enlisted men employed on the same, _ and including also all ex§nditures for construction and repairs H°* SP"“F”· *’·"‘· required at the Army and avy Hospital at Hot Springs, Arkansas, except quarters for the officers, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. _ Qunrrmzs ron HOSPITAL STEWARDSZ For construction of quarters mB;,g§,$§§,f°’ *’°“P" for hospital stewards at military posts already established and occupied, includin the extra—duty pay of enlisted men employed on the same, fifteen thousand dollars. — _ Suoormo GALLERIES Ayn mucus: For shelter, shooting galleries, $*’°°"“€ ““’¥°*· °'”- ranges for small—arms target practice, repairs, and expenses incident thereto, fifteen thousand dollars. _ UNrrm> Smrns Amar GENERAL HOSPITALSI For construction and "°“°"‘“‘°”‘°“‘s· repair of United States Army general hospitals and expenses incident { thereto, to be made immediately available, two hundred thousand dollars.