Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/575

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 1328. 1902. 509 SIGNAL ooxrs. _d Tivo hundred and thirty-one thousand nine hundred and sixty $@*1 C°'PS· o rs. ‘ Additional pay for length of service, eleven thousand seven hundred L°"g°"“>'- and thirty-six dollars. _ Pnwi d, That hereafter second-class privates of the Signal Corps miion of d_ shall be designated as privates, with the same pav and allowances as vows. P now allowed by law to second-class privates: And ovided further _ That fifty iirst-class sergeants may be temporarily added to the Signal ,·,§§§§"g§;,k§*;§}§j Corps for service in the hilippine Islands and Alaska; such additional he force, or part thereof, to be continued only as longeas in the opinion of the Secretary of War (or the President) it may necessary for the efficiency of the Army. Hosrrrn. oom>s. d gina hundred and forty-five thousand nine hundred and forty-eight ¤<>¤r>i*¤1<><>r¤¤- 0 ars. . Additional pay for length of service, fifty-five thousand two hun- Longevity. dred and ninety-six dollars. PAY T0 CLEBKS AND mussnuonns AT DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS AND AT HEADQUARTERS or Tun ARMY. One chief clerk, at two thousand dollars per annum at headquarters fllefh =¤d ¤¤¤•¤¤- of the Army, two thousand dollars. ’ KE at h°°d°um°"' Four clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each per annum. Ten clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each per annum. Twenty-five clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each per annum. Sixty-five clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each per annum. Eighty-six clerks, at one thousand dollars each per annum. Sixty-eight messengers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each per annum. In all, two hundred and seventy-three thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. And said clerks and messengers shall be employed and assigned by APP°¤*<>¤¤=¤¤¤· the Secretary of War to the offices and positions in which they are to Serve. ron nr or crnn s·rArr. G¢¤¤¤‘·*·¤·¤- ADJUTANT~GENEBAL’S Dm·Am·nn·:N·r: For pay of officers in the DgPm{;g,jf¤¤¢¤¤’¤ Adiutant-Geueral’s Department, eighty-three thousand five hundred ' dollars. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, twenty-five thousand and fifty dollars. In all, one hundred and eight thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. INSPECIOR—GENERAL’S Dm·An·rm:N·r: For pay of officers in the Dg;j£g{f°¤¤¤"¤ Inspector-General’s Department, fifty- one thousand five hundred dollars. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid ‘·°¤¥°"**¤’· with their current monthly pay, fifteen thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. _ In all, sixty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars: Havided, msmmim That no officer hereafter detailed or appointed un er the provisions of v¤1.s1,p. rss. section twenty-six of the Act of February second, nineteen hundred and one, who has less than four years to serve from the date of his detail or appointment to the date of his retirement shall serve under