Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/533

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FIFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1301. 1902. 467 SURVEY or nonmnnn AND NORTHWESTERN LAKES: For survey of ,,§;",fg{,°,f,$g;*§‘§{§ northern and northwestern lakes, including all necessary ex uses for lakes. preparing, correcting, extending, lprinting, and issuing crhltrts and ul etins, and of investigating lake evels, with a view to their regulation to be immediately available and to remain available until expended, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. TRANSPORTATION or nnroars AND MAPS TO rounron COUNTRIES; For ,_,',f,f°,,';j*},°,f,'j"*°“ °* the translportation of reports and ma s to foreign countries through the Smit sonian Institution, one hundred dollars. ARHFICIAL mmas: For furnishing artificial limbs and apparatus, or Mmciel ¤¤¤'¤¤- commutation therefor, and necessary transportation, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of War, five hundred and fourteen thousand dollars. V APPLIANCES ron DISABLED SOLDIERS; For furnishing surgical appli- S¤1'8i¢¤l¤PDIi¤¤¤¤· ances to persons disabled in the military or naval service of the United States, and not entitled to artificial limbs or trusses for the same disabilities, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of War, two thousand dollars. SUm·onT AND MEDICAL TREATMENT or DESTITUTE PATIENTS: For m}’*°**d°¤¤° H°¤P*· the support and medical treatment of ninety-five medical and surgical liestitute pauses. patients who are destitute, in the city of Washington, under a contract to be made with the Providence Hospital by the Surgeon-General of . the Army, nineteen thousand dollars; for the reconstruction, in part, of the resent Providence Hospital building and finishin of nurses’ N“"°“’ h°'°°· home. fift thousand dollars; in all, sixty-nine thousand glollars, one hal: of which sum shall be paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half from the Treasury of the United States. _ GARFIELD MEMORIAL Hosr1TAL: For maintenance, to enable it to G'“’“°"’ “°'P‘*"“· rovide medical and surgical treatment to persons unable to pay therelgor, under a contract to--be made with the Board of Charities of the District of Columbia, nineteen thousand dollars, one half of which sum shall be paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half from the Treasur of the United States. For the purchase of landy belonging to heirs of M. H. Schneider, ,if$;°@g °* “‘“‘ adjoining the present Garfield Memorial Hospital land on the west, ° from the boundary street back to Clifton street, in Washington, District of·Columbia, containing about sixty-seven thousand square feet, fifty thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, one half of which sum shall be id from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half _ lidom the Treasury of the United States: Prrrvided, That the land shall §,Qg'm·_ be graded b present owners to an elevation satisfactory to the trus- _ tees of the above hospital: And provided fm~¢her, That the District of ”l’€°‘*““"’°”“‘°”‘“· Columbia assume all s ecial assessments pending against said lands of the heirs of M. H. Schneider. CAI.IFORNIA Dfmms Commission: For defraying the expenses of the Débm commission in carrying on the work authorized by the Act of Congress Vol.27, p..507. approved March first, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, fifteen thousand dollars. Hruanon or NEW Yom:: For prevention of obstructive and inju- NW Y°’k H¤'l°°'· rious deposits within the harbor and adjacent waters of New York Citv: For pay of inspectors. and deputy inspectors, office force, and ex- I‘“¥’°°°°'*- °‘°· penses of office, ten thousand two hundred and sixty dollars; For pay of crews and maintenance of five steam tugs and three C‘°‘“· °‘°· launches, sixty thousand dollars; In all, seventy thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. ESTABLISHMENT or APACHE rmsonnns AT F our Sim., OKIAHOMAZ _{g¥gc§,QlbQb9.;m _ For the erection of buildings and repairs to same, purchase of draft animals and live stock for breeding purposes, farm and household utensils, blacksmith and wheelwright tools and repairs to same, and