Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/522

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456 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1301. 1902. fg°r';g*gM,,0n O, sand two hundred and twenty dollars: Bwided, That the office of omee. Commissioner of Railroads is ereby continued until the thirtieth day P""’ " m°‘ of June, nineteen hundred and three, when the same shall terminate, and the dluties of the Conimissiczpeph shall be] traxpfplrredftohthegecre- ` tary oft elnteriortoget er wi ereco san eso theo ce. gi¤,;¤g¤ce0:¤¢¤,,- ,,9 Cmzsus Omen: The unexpended balance of the appropriation made V0l.31, the sundry civil appropriation Act approved Marc t ird, nineteen pm _10W_ hundred and one, for salaries and necessa e nses for takin and P Y ‘£“ at compiling results of the Twelfth Census is ere y reappropria and made available for continuing the work of taking the wel th Census and for all expenses, including cost of all printing, arising under and nm, p. sa authorized by the Act to provide for a permanent Census Office, - a proved March sixth, nineteen hundred and two, including the purchase of necessary lapiborphks, books of refepencp gud pleriodicals, and Mw- manuscripts:at estimates in etai or the expenses o mmm the permanent Census Cfice for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and {psur and annually thereafter shall be submitted in the regular Book of timates. §,*],‘,§gg§,';§g,Qf"· Hour Srxmes Rnsnnvxrron, ARKA1vsAs: For protection and improve- ' ment, as follows: For repairs to roads and drives, fourteen thousand seven hundred dollars; repairs to walks and footpaths, three hundred and six.? dollars; completion of retaining walls, four thousand seven hundr and fifty dollars; loam and soil, one thousand dollars; repairs to drainage system, one thousand four hundred and two dollars; trees, pxrubllregy, ilovgars, lgrass seed, thfee hurigred and fifty dollarsé nite tates eeouse re e ing en rging equip ing an furnishing complete in every fespect. twenty-five thonisand dbllaxis; in all, forty-eight thousand five hundred and sixty-two dollars. Y°”°*¤°°¤° ’•'*· Paorrmcrxou or Ynrmowsroun NATIONAL PARK: For the administration and protection of the Yellowstone National Park, to be expended by and under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, five thousan dollars. bow',;`:;,, °* *”'°’” For phehcorppletion of thi survey, unger tge direpticiln o§ the Secre- ` tary o the nterior of the eastern un ary o the ellowstone National Park, estimated at fifty miles, at the rate of fifty dollars per mille, ipclulding an examination of the survey in the field, two thousand eig t un r dollars. "°"°¤“'° *’**'*· Iuraovmmmxr or rm: Yosrmrrn NATIONAL PARK: For protection and improvement of the Yosemite National Park, and the construction of bridges, fencing, and trails, and improvement of roads, other than poll roads, to bke experglgdlpndcr the supervision of the Secretary of the nterior, six thousand dollars.

  • ¤¤<>*· mk- Im-Rovmmnr or rua SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK: For the protection

and improvement of the park and the construction and repair of bridges. fences, and trails and extension of roads, to be expended Ender the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand ol ars. ‘**"°’*"*'**“**’*“*· IMPROVEMENT or rm: Gizxrmst. GRANT NAHONAL PARK: For protection and improvement of the park, construction of fences and trails, and repaxrirég and extension of roads, to be expended under the supervision of the ecretary of the Interior, two thousand five hundred dollars. i§‘,}_"°‘“° °°“" R°' Scramm Comrr Rnroms: To pay the reporter of decisions of the W Su reme Court of the United States for seventv-six co ies each of volxdmes one hundred and eighty-seven to one bundre•i)and niudty, inclusive, of the United States Reports, at a rate not exceeding two "°* *5- P- *1- dollars per volume, under the provisions of section two of the Act of Felgruary twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, six hundred and eig t dollars. ·