Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/482

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416 FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1300. 1902. batteries of the Academy, and extra-duty pay of engineer soldiers, at fifty cents per day each, when performing special skilled mechanical labor in the department of practical military engineering; for models, books of reference, and stationery, and for extra pay of one engineer soldier as assistant in photographic laboratory, and in charge of pho- _ tographic laboratory, photographic apparatus, materials, and supplies, at fifty cents per day, one thousand ve hundred dollars; _ ¤,lQ,jg“:f1‘,§‘Q¤‘}fé§,FF‘ Ifor department of ordnance and gunnery: For purchase and repair of instruments, models, and apparatus, and purchase of necessary material; for the purchase of samples of arms and accouterments other than those supplied to the military service; for books of reference, text—books, stationery, and lithographic printing materials, and for contingencies, four hundred and fifty dollars; For purchase of ammunition for rapid—fire guns now on hand, three hundred dollars; For manufacture or purchase of models of breech mechanisms of cannon, rapid-hre guns, small arms, and the various machines and tools used in their manufacture, for cadet instruction, one thousand two hundred dollars; In all, for current and ordinary expenses, ninety thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight dollars and thirty-five cents. ,,,°,{“€‘§§'{,§’§§§‘°°§§‘,? mscnnmuzons rrnms Ann INCIDENTAL nxrnnsns. PCHSCS. For stationery for office of the treasurer, United States Military Academy, namely: Blank books, padper, envelopes, pens, mucilage, ` typewriting supplies and repairs, an other items of stationery, one hundred and twenty-five dollars; For large modern steel safe installed, six hundred and seventy dollars; For gas coal, oil, candles, lanterns, matches, chimneys, and wicking for lighting the Academy building, chapel, library, cadet barracks, mess hall, shops,hospital, offices, stables and riding hall, sidewalks, camp,and wharfs, eight thousand dollars; For water pipe, plumbing, and repairs, five thousand dollars; F or cleaning pu lic buil ings (not quarters), one thousand dollars; For brooms, rushes, pails, tubs, soap, and cloths, two hundred dollars; For chalk, crayons. sponges, slate, rubbers, rulers, pointers, card, gn? toilet paper. and so forth, for recitation rooms, three hundred o lars; lncrease and expense of library, namely: P·=ri<><1i<>¤1¤.e¤¤- Periodicals, stationery, binding books, and scientific, historical, biographical, and general literature, and for completing sets of scientific and other periodicals, and for military maps and scientific charts, to be purchased in o en market on the written order of the Superintendent, ten thousand dollars; For repairing books, and for furniture and contingencies, one thousand dollars; For binding pamphlets and periodicals, and for putting maps and charts in permanent shape for preservation, five hundred dollars; For carpets and furniture for cadet hospital, and for repairs of damaged articles, one hundred dollars; cqmssgenr, aca· For contingent funds, to be expended under the direction of the d°““° ""“""‘ academic board: For instruments, books, repairs to apparatus, and gthpr incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, one thousand ol ars; Mass?. __ Provided, That all technical and scientific su lies for the de rt- T°°h‘“°°l *"*""“‘ ments of instruction of the Military Academy shiill be purchaseila by contract or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may deem best.