Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/475

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 1299, 1300. 1902. 409 War is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to rant leases or licenses _ to the highest responsible bidder for the use of tge water power created by said am, at such a rate and on such conditions and for such periods of time as may seem to him expedient; and he is also authorized, in _,,f;‘§{§,Q’ j;' ,§°cQj his discretion, to issue permits for the construction, maintenance, and hols." operation of inlet and outlet canals and other structures, on such plans as he may approve, for the diversion of the water aforesaid: Pm/vided, ’°'”'””°‘· That any lease or license so granted shall be limited to the use of the surplus water not required for navigation, and no structures shall be gj{g,f°*l°“ ‘° "’“"` bui t and no operations be conducted which shall in an manner injure navigation, interfere with the oper ations of the Government, or impair the usefulness of any improvement made by the Government for the benefit of navigation; and the right of Congress to alt er, amend, or repeal the provisions of this ragraph is hereby expresslyreserved: Hwidedfurthn, That beforelgasing or licensing such water privi- Proposalsleges, or issuing permits for the construction and operation of such canals, or otherwise disposing of any water power or privilege, the Secretary of War shall first advertise the same in one or more daily papers at Nashville, for sixtly days immediately preceding, stating specifically the right or privi ego proposed to be leased or conveyed, with its exact limitations, inviting bids for the same, and he may, in his discretion, then lease the same for a specific term of years at so much per year, to be paid semiannually in cash into the Treasury, and P“""°'“'· the Secretary of War shall reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Approved, June 28, 1902. · CHAP. 1300.-—An Act Making appropriations for the support of the Military -T¤¤o28.1902- Academy for the Hscal year ending June t irtieth, nineteen hundred and three, and iO1` 0d1C!` PUIPOSGS. Be it enacted by the Senate and H01l8€§f Representires ofihe Uniterl _ States ofrimeriea in Congress assemble , That the following sums be, ,,,§§f,‘,f*§{,{,,,;“‘,,‘Lf"’°“’*' and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Military Acadlelmy for the fiscal year ending June thirtiet , nineteen hundred and t ree: · PERMANENT EsTABLisHM1·:N·1·.E¢‘·‘m¤¤¤¤¢ •=¤¢¤*=•- lla ment. For pay of seven professors, twenty-two thousand five hundred ,,5*** °' *”°‘°“°"· dollars; For pay of one chaplain, two thousand dollars; · For pay of one associate professor of mathematics, two thousand dollars' l%·¢wi'ded, That the professors and the associate professor of the United States Military Academy shall have the actual rank in the ` United States Arm now assi ned to them by assimilation in the regulations of the Military Acacim y prescribed by the President of the United States, and that they shall exercise command only in the academic department of the United States Military Academy. For pay of the master of the sword, one thousand six hundred ’"‘“'°'°‘"‘°"'°"’· dollars; For pa of cadets, two hundred and thirty thousand dollars; """°‘$· 1%-auidyed, That hereafter the pay of cadets shall be iixed at five ,{,’g;”j§;, commum hundred dollars per annum and one ration per day, or commutation non. therefor, such commutation to be thirty cents per day, to be paid from 2,_{‘·,_j{é,j§;;,_13”· P- the appropriation for the subsistence of the Army. ` P¢m•idedfm·thev·, That hereafter the actual and necessary traveling T"°"°"“g°’P°°‘°°· expenses of candidates while proceeding from their homes to the Mil-