Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/406

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340 FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1079. 1902. fifty thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore a propriated, and the Secretary of War may, in his discretion, mod1fy the lans described in the said report. _ Qgjgfgshce 0, The Secretary of War is hereby directed to maintain the channel in channel. the South Pass of the Mississippi River with the utmost efiiciency, and for that u se the dredge boat Beta, or any other available ,f¤*°h°¤° °*_h¤d¤» Government d)re]dp(b, may be used, and the lands and buildings on eeither side of the South Pass, or such part thereof as in his discretion may be necessary, may be purchased for the United States from the heirs or legal representatives of James B. Eads, deceased, and for the purposes named herein seventyfve thousand dollars is hereby appro- · priated in addition to the one hundred thousand dollars annually V°l·31»P·“*· allowed for maintenance in the Act of Congress approved June sixth, ¤*m*m¤"1‘e’· f I, A W i. ...1 h I. .1 d .1 E¤°mi¤°**P¤¤ mi The rovisions o the ct 0 i arc t i , ei teen un re an °uizi»ili2£01ii%€d` seventyljhve, and of the Act of August eleventli eighteen hundred V°l‘25’P‘“m‘ and eighty-eight, with regard to examinations and surveys at South Pass, mouth of the Mississippi River, shall remain in force as fully as though they were herein reenacted in e ress terms, notwithstan in the termination of the contract with llalie late James B. Eads and associates. caleusieu Riveryin- Improving mouth and passes of Calcasieu River, Louisiana: Continuing improvement, seventy-five thousand dollars. Sabine Pm. Tex- Sabine Pass, Texas and Louisiana: For maintenance of channel, and me U" for repairs of the jetties, one hundred and eighty-tive thousand dollars, of which amount twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used to improve the main ship channel in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Seventy, Fifty-sixth Congress, second session. Beams River, Tex. Improving the mouth of the Brazos River, Texas: Continuing improvement, fifty thousand dollars. Amnm Pm, Tex. Improvin Aransas Pass, Texas: Continuing improvement, two Prm·im._ hundred and fifty thousand dollars: P2·0m'ded, That the work at this j,3‘§'?“’l°°°"°f umh harbor shall be conhned to the completion of the north jetty in accordance with the design and specifications of the Aransas Pass Harbor Company, and in continuation of the work heretofore carried out on said jetty by said company, and to such additional work as may be _Rem¤r¤1¤rob¤¤·¤c- necessary for strengthening such jetty, and for the removal of such °'°"" part of the old Government jetty and any other hard material which may interfere with the formation of a channel by the natural action of the currents. gepegcnn. re; Improving Galveston Harbor, Texas, by maintaining the entrance m§{.X-Zl`Z{K° rw to said harbor and toward the restoration of the jetties in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and thirty-four, Fifty-sixth Congress, second session, three hundred gggywgt and fifty thousand dollars: ])I’0?}l·(l¢’(l. That a contract or contracts may ’ M g` be entered into by the Secretary of llvar for such materials and work as may be necessary in prosecuting the project of repairing, restoring, and completing the jetties as recommended in the said report, not to exgepld four hundred thousajiid dpllarg, gxlclusjye orglthe amounts herein F¤?xP€¤d<*fl 8 Pm an eretofore appropriate : rm·r`¢e I _ url er, at appropriations pnationsavauabx heretofore made Iixlhd limexpended for Galveston Harbolipard) hereby S°¤“¤i*°*Y· made available for the above purposes. The Secretary of lVar is ~ authorized to modify the plan for the south jetty so as to connect and adjust the same with the protection work proposed by the city of Galveston, if found advisable. G°l‘€$°°¤ C¤¤¤¤°l· Improving Galveston Channel in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and sixty-four, _ Fifty-sixth Congress, second session. one hundred thousand dollars: €Q'f][';’,§’§gs_ Provided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the