Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/399

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Ch. 1079. 1902. 333 Improving harbors at Hyannis and Nantucket, Massachusetts: Con- m§lQ“’,{}f,sQ“" M"` tinuing improvement and for maintenance and repairs, thirty-tive " ' thousand dollars. Improving Point Judith Harbor of Refuge, Rhode Island: Continu- 0,*§;{,,·;‘;°§{h,H“’“°’ ing improvement, one hundred thousand dollars,_of which amount so Brenkvvinten much as may be necessary may, in the discretion of the Secretary of VVar, be expended in constructin the easterly detached breakwater and continuing it to the shore with a view of providing a shelter for a landing place for the engers, crews, and cargoes of vessels in distress, and other vessels, and for the lifeboats of the Point Judith life- · saving service. Improving harbor at New rt, Rhode Island: Completing improve- N¤wx><>r¤. R. I- ment, thirtymine thousand dalars. Improving harbor of refuge at Block Island, Rhode Island: Con- B1¤<=k 1¤1¤¤•¤1. R-1. tinuing improvement, thirty thousand dollars. Improving harbor, Great Salt Pond, Block Island, Rhode Island: G¤wrS¤1rP<>¤d.R.1. For extending south jetty and dredging, fifty thousand dollars. A board of engineers shall be appointcd by the Secretary of War, Peargorsig refuse. who shall make an examination of th; said harbors of refuge at Point cgiiit u t t° C°°° Judith, Block Islandyand Great Salt Pond, with a view to reporting ,0f"P°“°“ ’°°“‘*°“* upon the relative merits of each of said harbors, what further con- Y struction or improvement, if any, is advisable in each, and the cost of such im rovement or construction as may be deemed advisable. Said board shall also make an examination of Vineyard and Nantucket sounds, and the east shore of Cape Cod, with a view to reporting upon the relative merits of each of said lproposed localities for harbors of refuge, and the said board shall a so make an examination of Point Judith Pond with a view to determining whether it is advisable to enlarge the entrance to said pond from the ocean, and if said enlar e- ment is, upon examination, found to be desirable, an estimate of Sie cost thereof shall be made. The expense of said board shall be paid E*v°¤¤°*- from the unex ended balance remaining to the credit of the entrance to Point J udith Pond. Improving harbor at New London, Connecticut, in accordance with N°""-°°°°¤· °°¤¤· the report submitted in House Document Numbered Three hl1lld1'€(I and ninety-two, Fift -—sixth Congress, iirst session, twenty-five thousand dollars: Wd, That a contract or contracts ma be entered {:'_jj’[,Q‘K’é,s into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be ` necessary to complete the project recommended in said report, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated; and the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to make an examination of that part of Winthrops Cove embraced in the New London harbor with a view to securin a depth of thirty feet on the lines of the surve_v already made and, reported in the executive document herein referred to. Improving harbor at Branford, Connecticut: Comlpleting improve- B"“"°“‘» °°°°· ment in accordance with the report submitted in ouse Document Numbered One hundred, I•`ifty-sixth Congress, second session, five thousand dollars. · Improving New Haven Harbor, Connecticut: Continuing construe- §¤¤*kH¤{<¢;¤· €¤¤¤ tion of breakwater, forty-four thousand dollars. The authorization x·i>iisovfi».°1i22. for the improvement in the said harbor contained in the 1‘I\`€l‘ and harbor act of March third. eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, is hereby extended so as to include the improvement of the Quinnipiac and Mill rivers to Grand avenue, and of the basin east of Canal Wharf, as recommended in the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eighty- two, Fifty-fifth Congress, first session: P1·0z·a`ded, That a contract or *"°”i*°·