Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/397

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1079. 1902. 331 CHAP. 1079.—-An Act Making appropriations for the construction, repair, and June 13-190-2- preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the (batted _ States afzlmerica in Cbngress assembled, That the following sums of ,p*;Q‘f,f,’p§,*}{‘0Q,{‘*"*"’r‘ money be, and are hereby, appropriated, to be aid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be immediately available, and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, for the construction, complietion, repair, and preservation of the public works hereinafter name : Improving harbor at Sullivan Falls, Maine: Continuing improve- gg{}’§a'$·FauS,M€_ ment, five thousand dollars. Improving Bucksport Harbor, Maine, in accordance with the project Mvucksrmt Harbor. submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and seventy- °` live, Fzflty-sixth Cangress, iirst session, completing improvement, twenousand dollars. Imtriroving Carvers Harbor, at Vinalhaven, Maine: Continuing Vi¤¤“¤*V°¤· Msimfxrovement, twenty thousand dollars. mproving harbor at Camden, Maine: Com leting immiovement of °*“°‘*°”·M°· outer harbor in accordance with the report submitted in ouse Document Numbered Two hundred and sixty-three, Fifty-sixth Congress, first session, seven thousand four hundred dollars. . · Improving harbor at Isles of Shoals, Maine: Comgleting improve- was <>fS¤<¤¤¤.M¤- ment in accordance with the re rt submitted in ouse Document Numbered Two hundred and ’1i¥ft)y-five, Fifty-sixth Congress, first session, thirty thousand dollars. = Improving harbor of refuge at Little Harbor, New Hampshire: Little H¤r¤><>r.N-H. Completing improvement, thirteen thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Burlington, Vermont: For repairs and main- B¤r¤¤sr¤¤. Yr. tenance, fifty-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty ollars. _ Improving harbor at Newburyport, Massachusetts: Continuing “°""“'*`*’°"· *"*"· impgovernent, thirty thousand dollars. _ proving harbor of refuge at Sandy Bai, Cape Ann, Massachusetts: A§Qf"j,f,,f“"· ““¥‘° Continuing im ovement, two hundred thousand dollars: Pr0·vz°ded, Mvrfm- That no part opthis amount shall be expended until the said project R°’°" °“ *"°"*°‘· shall have been examined by·a board of engineers and a favorable report made by them upon the feasibility and a visability of continuing said project to completion. And the said board shall also report whether with advantage any part of said original project can be completed, and if so what (part, and whether any modification can be made therein with a view to iminishing the cost: Provided farther, That said board shall '"'“°""‘"‘ examine and re _ rt not later than three months from the passage of this Act; and whetlidr in said report the original project be approved or the same be modified, the sum erein appropriated shall be expended on the original or modified project. . Improving harbor at Rockport, Massachusetts: Completing improve- R°°"P°"· °*°·“· ment of breakwater and ier in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Three hundred and sixty-three, Fifty- sixth Congress, first session, twenty-two thousand dollars. Improvmgharborat Gl0ucester,l\rIassachusetts: Continuingimprove— G1¤¤¤¢¤*¤·*· M·¤»·¤· ment, seventy-tive thousand dollars: Provided, That a contract or con- gxwh _ tracts may be entered into by the Secretary of \Var for such materials ` and work as may be necessary to complete the approved project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate two hundred and twenty-seven thousand and eighty-three dollars, exclusive of amounts herein and heretofore 3ppro— priatedz Provided farther:, That the existing project may be m rtied B¤*k"·°°*· so that the breakwater now under construction shall terminate at or near a ledge known as Cat Ledge, about two thousand two hundred