Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/387

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FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1036. 1902. 321 United States post-office at Sterling, Illinois, five thousand dollars. S‘°'“¤gi Ul d Enited States post-oliice at Champaign, Illinois, fifteen thousand Ch“’“p“lg"·m· o ars. United States post—office and land office at Natchitoches, Louisiana, Nmchiteches. La five thousand dollars. Provided, That upon the failure of the Secretary of the Treasury I€¤>¢*?¤t¤- .,1 to acquire a suitable site in any city mention_ed in this Act within the mnigélitoilgqiiiiiissuiii limit of cost herein set forth, respectively, and within a period of two “b“’ S‘“*· years after the passage of this Act, then and in that case so much of this Act as applies to the city or cities where such failure occurs shall be null and void: Provided furtfver, That in acquiring sites under D;;¤¢¤¤i·¤¤¤ re this section the Secretary of the Treasury shall take into considera- qv ' tion the present needs of the Government and the future growth of the cities enumerated, respectively; and in no case shall the Secretary of the Treasury acquire a site unless the dimensions thereof are of sufficient size for a building that will accommodate all the governmental offices now located or likely in the near future to be located in said cities, respectively. Size. 6. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, _ hiuleigml buildauthorized and directed to acquire by purchase, condemnation, or mibqmiémem or site otherwise, for a sum not exceedin five hundred and fifty thousand °“If§‘,§’,§{’§}l,0S,_ dollars, for the joint use of the lInited States and the District of Pv8¢,p·429. Columbia, for the erection thereon of a municipal building for said District, square two hundred and fifty-five in the city` of Washington, Proposed sue. District of Columbia, and that portion of E street lying between said square and Pennsylvania avenue is hereby appropriated and made a part of said square for the purpose of erecting thereon the municipal building, and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are Removal oreieemc hereb authorized to change the route of the Washington, Alexandria, """’“’"“°k*‘ and Lirount Vernon Electric Railway in such a manner as to cause said portion of E street to be vacated by the tracks of said company, and jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon the supreme court of the District of Columbia upon petition of said company to inquire into, hear, and coggggifg; <:_;,;*_;¤*“**l determine the amount of the actual cost and expense to the company p` for the removal of its tracks from E street by reason of the rovisions herein contained, and to enter judgment against the United States and the District of Columbia jointl , in such sum as ma r be so ascertained as aforesaid, and either party shall have the right oi a peal from such pidgment as in other cases: Provided, That if the Secretary of the g0Méi·¤~· { reasury shall be compelled or obliged to institute condemnation pro- ¤wiih§Q'i°“° mn pn" ceedings in order to acquire said site, such proceedings shall be in V°‘·“"·P·‘“2· accordance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, rovidin a site for the enlargement of the Government Printing (lilies. (United States Statutes at Large, volume twenty-six, chapter eight hundred and thirty- seven. VVhgn the Secretary of the Treasury shall have completed the qtC<>¤gr¤<¤ tfvr ¤·>¤· urchase of said site he and the Commissioners of the District of1ri;z,(iii'1;oiiZ Columbia, acting jointly, shall proceed at once to contract for the · erection and completion thereon of a fireproof building for the accommodation of the municipal and other offices of the District of Columbia, the total cost of said building, including cost of site, not to exceed ¤mi¤<>f ¤<>Srone million five hundred thousand dollars, one half of which shall be Ugg; wif from Dischargeable to the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other °`e"u°°‘ half to be paid out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated. » The supervision of the construction of said building may be placed cdflgiggiigident ·>f in charge of an officer of the Government specially qualified for the ` duty, to be appointed by the President of the United States, and who I S·¤¤¤¤ shall receive for his additional services an increase of twenty-tive per vox. xxxrr. rrr 1;-21