Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/341

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F IFTIYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 888. 1902. 275 agency, industrial and boarding school, which are supported in whole or in part out of the appropriations in this Act, giving name, when employed, in what capacity employed, male or female, whether white or indian`, amount of compensation paid, and out of what item or fund of the appropriation paid, and whether, in the opinion of such Commissioner, any of suc employees are unnecessary. Sec. 7. That the adult heirs of any deceased Indian to whom atrust f,g‘,§'},‘j§,,,,l,",l;§’,i'f,‘,; or other patent containin restrictions upon alienation has been or °°¤V°>’*dl¤*°°· shall be issued for lands a§otted to him may sell and convey the lands inherited from such decedent, but in case of minor heirs their interests Mi¤°”· shall be sold only by a guardian duly appointed by the pro r court upon the order of such court, made upon petition filed by th); guard- ‘ ian, but all such convcyanees shall be subject to the a proval of the Secretary of the Interior, and when so a proved shall convey a full title to the purchaser, the same as if a final) patent without restriction upon the alienation had been issued to the allottee. All allotted land T““·“°”· so alienated by the heirs of an Indian allottee and all land so patented to a white allottee shall thereupon be subject to taxation under the laws of the State or Territory where the same is situate: Hwided, {,"m°",Q’f;’,,0n That the sale herein provided for shall not apply to the homestead i during the life of the father, mother or the minority of any child or children. Sec. 8. That the part of the northern district of the Indian Terri- wi,§‘,£‘g“j,'E§i$1*‘$§,¥ tory consisting of the Creek country, the Seminole country, and all “’i°° °¤’°°*°d- that portion of the Cherokee and Choctaw nations included in the fol- v.,;_ 28, p_ 6% lowin ~described boundaries, to wit: Commencing at the northeast cor- B°"“d“'*°“· ner 05 the Creek Nation and running east on the line between townships nineteen and twenty, to its intersection with the dividing line between ranges twenty and twenty-one, east, thence south on said line to its intersection with the Arkansas River, thence down the Arkansas River to its intersection with the Canadian River, thence up the Canadian River to its intersection with the dividin line between ranges twenty and twenty-one, east, thence south to Elie intersecting line between townships seven and eight, thence west on the intersectin line between townships seven and eight to the Creek Nation, be, and the same is . hereby, made the western district in said Territory, and the laces of T°"“’· holding courts in said western district shall be Muscogee, Vgagoner, Sapulpa, Wewoka, Eufaula and Okmulgee. The judge appointed {,‘f,‘}f‘§6 ,,_ M_ under the Act entitled "An Act making aépprojgiations for the cur- ' rent and contingent expenses of the In ian epartment, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes,” approved June seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, shall be the judge of said western district, and he is hereby authorized to appoint a clerk who shall reside and keep his office at one of the places of holding court in said western district. That each of the three commissioners with headquarters at Muscogee, c0?,‘§E{}lL°§i°"°" ““° Eufaula, and Wewoka, respectively, shall be United States commissioners for said western district for a period of four years from the date of their appointment and until their respective successors shall be a pointed an<i)qualilied, and the two constables now in office whose heaniduarters are at Muscogee and Enfaula, respectively, shall be constables in said western district until their successors shall be appointed and qualilied; and said judge may appoint a constable for the commissioner at \Vewoka, and the said judge may appoint an additional commissioner to be located at Checotah, and an additional constable for said commissioner’s court. Each of the United States commissioners and each of the four constables now located in the northern district as constituted by this Act shall continue to be United States