Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/322

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256 FIFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 888. 1902.

  • `°’°H°“I¤‘“°¤¤· For support and civilization of the Shoshones and Bannocks and

other Indians of the Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho, including pay of · emlployees, twenty thousand dollars. di8F¤¤ www I¤· or support and civilization of Indians at Fort Berthold Agency, m` North Da ota, including pay of employees, fifty thousand dollars. Fm P¤¤* I¤¤*•¤ For support and education and civilization of the Indians of the Fort Peck Reservation in Montana, includin y of employees, sixty-five thousand dollars g pa mnieghi *¤°°°7 ·“*‘ For support, civilization, and instruction of the Shoshones, Bannocks, Sheepeaters, and other Indians of the Lemhi Agency, Idaho, including pay of eénplpyees, thirte?n thousand {dollars. th mmm or support an ci ization of ibabs in tah if in e opinion pif hhe Secretary of the Interior, the same is necesshry, two thousand o ars. . §'-l' -*¤°¤°>' For suppplrt, civilization and instruction of the Klamaths, Modocs, and lother idiapls of tlgagillamath Agency, Oregon, including pay of _ em oyees, ve thousand dollars. mmm. FOI support and civilization of the Kansas Indians, Oklahoma Territlory, in; éidinlg agggugtulnal assistance and pay of employees, two thousand ve un 0 rs. Ki¤k¤1>¤¤¤~ T For suppfprt pid civiligatiipn of the Kickapoo Indians in Oklahoma errito ve thousand o rs. m¤¤¤s¤¤\=•1¤¤¤•· For gd purchase of teams, farming implements, seeds, and other i necesmry articles for the Mexican Kickapoo Indians, known as the "Kicking Kickapoos," in Oklahoma Territory, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, three thousand dollars. M¤1¤¤1=¤- For support and civilization of the Makahs, Washington, includi pa of employees three thousanddollars ng Rg§,£,F*,_§,’,j{,f’”°¥°°“° hor the purchase of heifers and bulls for the Indians on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, twenty-eight thousand dollars; for the construction of wire fence around a portion of said reservation, seven thousand one hundred and fifty do lars; in all thirty-five thousand g°,{c'{,°_,,,,m,_ one hundred and fifty dollars: Provided, That the expenditure of this moneylilphall be under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, who s ll purchase the cattle, relgulate their distribution, and construct abc fencg, accziéding to such ru egand regulations as in his discretion e may eem st. ¤f,€{’°"’“~·‘°'°°'*" For purchase of agricultural implements, and support and civilization of Joseph’s Ban of Nez Perce Indians, four thousand dollars. P¤¤¤¤ For support and civilization of the Ponca Indians, including pay of ggyggh employees, fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That this amount shall ‘ pe ivided prac rag:. gmorég alldthSe)mue¤1IBb-e{rs of said tribe in Oklahoma erritory an in e ras a an u ota. ‘}}{§g,‘§f§§;_* ’“"* For support and civilization of the Qui-nai-elts and Quil leh—utes, Qu including pay of employees, one thousand dollars. ¤\¤¤¥>i¤— For the supfport and civilization of the Shebit Indians in Utah, if in the opinion 3 dtlne Secretary of the Interior the same is necessary, two thousand o lars. m$,{"{'°°“°”‘ w""‘ For support and civilization of Shoshone Indians in Wvoming, g twenty-five thousand dollars. I S¤°°¤°¤°*· N°'¤<*¤- For support and civilizapion of Shoslhgnplgndians in Nevada, includin pay o cmp oyees, twe ve thousand o rs. sc,Ij,'ge'g*{_*_;$·Al* Tor purchase of teams, farming implements, seeds, and other necessarv articles for the Big] Jim’s Band of Absentee Shawnee Indians in Oklahoma Tsxfitegy, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, ve thousand ol rs. $*°¤*· ”°V¤¤ L¤*=¤· For support and civilization of Sioux of Devils Lake, North Dakota, inclpdlirig pay of employees, and for the purchase of seeds, ten thousan dollars. "°¤**"•°· For support and civilization of Tonkawa Indians. Oklahoma Terri= tory and or seeds and agricultural implements, one thousand dollars.