Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/269

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FIFIY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. CHS.` 820, 821. 1902. 203 it shall be to establish rules and regulations and cause adequate measures to be taken for the preservation of the natural objects within said park, and also for the protection of the timber from wanton depreation, the preservation of all kinds of game and fish, the punishment of trespassers, the removal of unlawful occu nts and intruders, and the prevention and extinguishment of forest £es. Sec. 3. That it shall be unlawful for any person to establish any p,§°,§,§§,';’§_“‘ i”· °’°·· settlement or residence within said reserve, or to engage in any lumbering, or other enterprise or business occupation therein, ortoentertherein for any speculative purpose whatever, and any person violating the pro- P°¤¤m¤¤ t visions o this Act, or the rules and regulations established thereun er, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or b i imprisonment for not more than one year, and shall further be liablb for all destruction of timber or other pro rty of the United States in consequence of any such unlawful act: Egwvided, That said reser- mba of vim vation shall be open, under such regulations as the Secretary of the o¤·s,ecc. Interior may prescribe, to all scientists, excursionists, and pleasure seekers and to the location of mining claims and the working of the same: And provided further, That restaurant and hotel keepers, upon mft§’__,'§”· °°°·· 1** application to the Secretary of the Interior, may be permitted by im ' to establish places of entertainment within the Crater Lake National Park for the accommodation of visitors, at places and under regulations fixed by the Secretary of the Interior, and not otherwise. Approved, May 22, 1902. CHAP. 821.-An Act To allow the commutation of and second homestead entries Mw 2% 1902- in certain cases. [1>¤u11¤,N¤. 122.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Owe reas assembled, That homestead settlers upon $Q{;$sl¤g*}1¤- ceded the ceded portion of the Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota s1¤ux1:ese¤~me¤,s. who made ent subsequent to March third, eighteen hundred and £§,1§,Z,,{f,‘,§',{,,§°,"{',.'f.§'Q{“°° ninety-nine, sham be entitled to the provisions of the Act entitled "An V°l· *1- P- ”°· Act to allow commutation of homestead entries in certain cases," approved January twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and one, and in commuting shall only be required to pay the price provided in the law under which origina entry was made. Sec. 2. That any person who, prior to the passage of an Act entitled ,,§§°§,"° "An Act providing for free homesteads on e public lands for actual PJ; *0 MW 17- and bona fide settlers, and reserving the public lands for that purpose,”_ ' approved May seventeenth, nineteen hundred, having made a omestead entry and perfected the same and actquired tit e to the land by final entry by having dpaid the price provided in the law opening the land to settlement, an who wou d have been entitled to the provisions of the Act before cited had final ent? not been made prior to the (passage of said Act, may make another omestead entry of not excee ing one hundred and sixty acres of any of the public lands in any State or Territory subject to homestead entry: Provided, That any person f m r n_ desiring to make another entry under this Act will be required to ay, ° ° ° make affidavit, to be transmitted with the other filing papers now required by law, giving the description of the tract formerly entered, date and number of entry, and name of the land. office where made, or other sufficient data to admit of readily identifying it on the official records: And pmvidedffurther, That said person as all the other ¤¤¤“¤¤¤¤·>¤· proper qualifications o a homestead entryman: And provided alee, mfjggjg_¤°¤ °¤ °°¤· hat commutation under section twenty;-three hundred and one of the R. s., see. am, p. Revised Statutes, or any amendment thereto, or any similar statute, "{=,1_26_p_ lm shall not be permitted of an entry made under this Act, excepting