Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/265

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FIFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 789, 790, 792. 1902. 199 United States, and giye the said bark the name of Homeward Bound: .Pv·0*mZded, /wweeve/r, hat such register shall not entitle or authorize ggogggmm t d said bark to engage in the coastwise trade of the United States, nor subsidy, ses. m °' shall said bark receive or be entitled to receive any subsidy, bountv, or aid of any kind that may hereafter be granted to American vessels. Approved, May 14, 1902. CHAI} 790.-An Act To change the terms of the circuit courts of the United M¤Y14· 1902 States within the iirst circuit. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe_;m·esentatives of the United States ofAmemZca in Oongereas assembled, That the regular terms of the }1{¤i¤¤<1S:¤m<=<>¤r¤ circuit courts within the first circuit hereinafter named, which com- ...:.*e·.·;..·§.c,=v um mence after the iirst day of January, nineteen hundred and three, shall ,,§·§,;,{,°,fé8d_· **-12*- be held at the places now provided by law, but instead of the times at ` Ylpcb the same now commence they shall be changed to commence as o ows: In the district of Maine the April term shall be chan ed from the M•·i¤¢- twenty-third da of April to commence on the third Tuesday of April, and the September term from the twenty-third day of September to commence on the third Tuesday of September. In the district of New Hampshire the May term shall be changed Mw Hmmm from the eighth day of May to commence on the iirst Tuesday of May, and the October term from the eighth day of October to commence on the second Tuesda of December. In the district oil Massachusetts the May term shall be changed from M’·“°°*“”°“°· the fifteenth day of Ma to commence on the last Tuesday of February, and the October term fiom the fifteenth day of October to commence on the third Tuesday of October. In the district of Rhode Island the June term shall be changed from R"°d° m““d· the fifteenth day of June to commence on the fourth Tuesday of May. Approved, May 14, 1902. CHAP. 792.-An Act Making appropriations for the diplomatic and consular M¤Y i6» IW- service in the Republic of Cuba. [Public, No. uc.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 3f'R?>resentat¢Z#ves afthe United States of America in Congress assemble , That the following sums be, §“',j°,;,p,m,0¤ , or and thely are hereby, severally appropriated, in full compensation for rlirfgmnuf and conthe dip omatic and consular service o the United States in the Repub- '° °°" °°i"‘ lic of Cuba for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hun red and three, and from May twentieth, nineteen hundred and two, until and including June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, namely: For salaries of minister and secretaries: Envoy extraordinary and §,f§;,§g;s md mm minister plenipotentiary to Cuba, twelve thousand dollars; secretary mms. of legation to Cuba, two thousand dollars; second secretary of legation to Cuba, one thousand five hundred dollars. For salaries of consul—gener·al and consuls: Consul-general at Habana, c°§gQ,’j“‘¤°“°”‘ °““ five thousand dollars; consul at Cienfuegos, three thousand dollars; consul at Santiago de Cuba, three thousand dollars. Approved, May 16, 1902.