Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/215

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 594. 1902. 149 dollars, and for private secretary to the governor, two thousand dollars: for traveling expenses of the governor while absent from the plapital on official business. five hundred dollars; in all, three thousand ollars. Tnaarronr or Ponro Rico: For salary of the resident commissioner §.g{‘gf‘Qf°;,6 from Porto Rico to the United States, authorized by the Act tempo-Y' rarily to provide revenues and a civil government for Porto Rico, approved April twelfth, nineteen hundred, five thousand dollars. WAR DEPARTMENT. W‘" D°p“"'“*’“‘· Orman or run SECRETARY: For compensation of the Secretary of s£`K€f$iiiiZit’ZAS` War, eight thousand dollars; Assistant secretary, four thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, including five hundred dollars as assistant in military park and insular affairs, three thousand dollars; clerk to the Secretary, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; clerk to the Assistant Secretary, two thousand one hundred dollars; clerk to the chief clerk, two thousand one hundred dollars; disbursing clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; appointment clerk, two thousand dollars; four chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; superintendent of buildings, outside of State, War, and Navy Department building, in addition to compensation as chief of division, five hundred dollars; stenographer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; librarian, one thousand eight hundred dollars; four clerks of class four; five clerks of class three; ten clerks of class two; eleven clerks of class one; four clerks, at one thousand dollars each; carpenter, one thousand dollars; foreman of laborers, one thousand dollars; two carpenters, at nine hundred dollars each; four messengers; seven assistant messengers; eight laborers; hostler, six hundred dollars; two hostlers, and one watchman, at five hundred and forty dollars each; in all, one hundred and four thousand four hundredhdoggrs. I f For continuing the em loyment of suc a itiona temporary orce Addi*i<>¤¤*. *0*% of clerks, messengers, laborers, and other assistants, rendered neces- wu mm Spam sary because of increased work incident to the war with Spain, as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be proper and necessary to the prompt, efficient, and accurate dispatch of official business in the War Department and its bureaus, to be allotted by the Secretary of \Var to such bureaus and offices as the exigencies of the needs of the service may demand, five hundred and ninety-six thousand four hundred dollars. Rnconn Asn Pnnsroiv Ormonz For chief clerk, two thousand dol- 0§gg<>*°¤¤¤ ¤’¤¤¤i¤¤ lars; four chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; thirty-four ` clerks of class four; fifty clerks of class three; seventy-seven clerks of class two; one hundred and sixty-seven clerks of class one; thirty-five clerks, at one thousand dollars each; engineer, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant engineer, nine hundred dollars; two firemen; skilled mechanic, one thousand dollars; five messengers; thirtydive assistant messengers; messenger boy, three hundred and sixty dollars; five watchmen; superintendent of building, two hundred and fifty dollars: and seventeen laborers; in all, five hundred and forty-three thousand nine hundred and seventy dollars; and all em loyees provided for by this paragraph for the Record and Pension Dflice of the l/Var Department sha] be exclusively engaged on the work of this office for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three. Orrron or run A1>JUrANT—GENERAL: For chief clerk, two thousand O,·;};Q¤¤¤*·G°¤€¤*’¤ dollars; two chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; clerk to ` the Adjutant-General, one thousand eight hundred dollars; twelve clerks of class four: fourteen clerks of class three; thirteen clerks of class two; fifty-eight clerks of class one: seven clerks, at one thousand dollars each; four messengers; eighteen assistant messengers; and