Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1406

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INDEX. CIX Portairc River, Ohio, Page- Pomrmouth, N H., Prizepre iminary examination of, to be made- . 381 appropriation for public works, navy-yard. 671 Portal, M Dah., naval prison --.. 1185 immediate transportation privileges ex- for removing Hendersons Point, navy- liellded to 780 yard ,,__,,,,_____ _ ______,,___ 672 made subport of entry .. 780 Portsmouth, Va., Porter, purchase of public-building site authorized 320 ' internal revenue tax ou, reduced 96 appropriation for ...,,..,._,,,_,,_ 429 Porter, D. S., Portugal, deficiency appropriation for services . . 582, 1068 appropriation for minister to .,,,,,,...,, 76, 807 Porllzmd General Electric Liyht Company, Posey, Charles, examination of title, etc., to waters of payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 208 Willamette River at falls . . 381 Po.stE1:c}umgea, Army, Portland, Me., appropriation for construction, etc., limit- 516, appropriation for light-house, Ram Island 937 _ Ledge 430, 1091 Post, Martin and Company, for quarantine station . 1091 claim referred to Court or Claims; payment 764 deficiency appropriation for public build- Post-Ojfice Ikpartment (see also Postal Serving site ., 1039 ice , purchase of public building site authorized. 1208 appropriation for Postmaster - General, Portland, Oreg., clerks, etc .. 164, 899 limit of oost increased, public building, for clerks, etc., office of Assistant Attorpost-office and court—house 314 ney-General ._,, 164,900 appropriation for 425,1089 for First Assistant Postmaster-General, custom- ouse . 3 14 clerks, etc .. 164,900 appropriation for . - .. 425 for superintendent, Money-Order Sysor rent, etc., temporary oilioes ,. . . 1089 tem ... . 164, 900 Portland, Wzncouvcr and Yakima Raiway for superintendent, Free·Delivery Sys- Oompany, tem, etc 164, 900 granted right of waw Vancouver Military for superintendent, Dead-Letter Office- 164, 900 Reservation, ash ... 1028 for superintendent of salaries and allow- Porto Rico, ances ... . . - ... —. 164,900 appropriation for resident commissioner for extra force, Spanish war work-, 164,900 from . .. 149, 883 for supervisor, etc., rural free deliver . - 165 for agricultural station . - ... 302, 1164 for superintendent, etc., Rural Free lkfor light-houses, etc 433, 1094 livery. ... 900 for quarantine service .. 450, 1112 for Second Assistant Postmaster-Gem for law library, district court .. 732 eral, clerks, etc . 165, 900 deficiency appropriation for traveling ex- ’ for superintendent of railway adjustpenses, commissioner from 1042 ment, etc .. 165, 900 appointment of cadet to Military Academy forsulperintendentof foreign mails, etc. 165, 900 from, authorized - 1011 for T ird Assistant Postmaster-General, midshi men to be made from .. 1198 clerks, etc .. 165, 901 citizens eii `ble for enlistment in Army . - 934 for per diem, assistant superintendents claims for diitieserroneously paid in, to be and special agents .. 165, 901 brought in the Courto Claims 176 for Fourt Assistant Postniaster·Genpayment of judgments authorized .. 176 ‘ eral, clerks, etc ...,. 165, 901 deeds before notaries, valid as to lands in for chief inspector, clerks, etc 165, 901 District of Columbia and Territories- 88 for topographer, draftsmen, etc .. 166, 901 certificate of attorneyégeneral .. 88 for disbursing clerk, engineers, watchlands, etc., to be reserv for public uses. 731 men, etc ... 166, 901 all others granted to government of for contingent expenses . 166, 902 Porto Rico . .. 731 for rent 167, 902 release to be given of all interest in lands, for Ofhcial Postal Guide . 167, 902 etc., reserved . 731 for post-route maps . 167, 902 _legal or equitable rights not affected 732 for postage stamps .. 167, 903 refund of duties on goods from, between for Assistant Attorney-General .. 167, 903 April 1], 1899, and May 1, 1900 1224 for printing and binding ... 480, 1116 tradestatistiosof commerce with, required- 172 deficiency appropriation for postal servtraveling expenses allowed resident co1n— i ice - . . 23, 32, 576, 588, 759, 1061, 1075, 1077 misgioner, term ... . ... 732 , for printing and binding 94, 1069 Porto Robo Provixional Regiment, for telegraphing ... _ ... 5 76 appropriation for pay of officers and en- { for furniture .. 576 listed men ,.. - .. 512, 934 ; for repairs to building . 576 credit to army enlisted men for service as i for Katie A. Nolan 576 officers of ,__.. . .. 934 Q for disbuising clerk’s office 1060 may be ordered for service outside of the 1 for contingent expenses ... 1060 island ,.. . .., 934 securing site for addition to building muster out of volunteer officers; detail I authorized ... 1211 from line ..,.. ...- 934 i statistical and scientific work in, ma be Portraits, I). C., , transferred to Department of gemfamily, exempt from personal tax 620 merce and Labor . 830 Ports of Entry and Delivery, . Post-Office Inspectors, discontinued, Edenton, N. C 190 appropriation for salaries: allowances - 117, 117 4 established, Elizabeth City, N. C 190 allowance for information, etc . 117 Nam, Ariz., subport . . 48-1 Post-Ojfcv Supplies, Portal, N. Dak., subport .. 780 appropriation for superintendent, etc .. 164,900