Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1357

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lx nmnx. Hurbor Regulations, D. C., P¤S¤· * Havre, Frame, P¤80· modification of anchorage, etc ... . - . . 535 appropriation for consul at . J ... 81, 813 Harbors ( ses also River and Harbor Improve- for clerk hire 86, 818 ments), Hawaii, appropriation for improvement of ..., 331, appropriation for salaries, government 408, 462, 1124 in . 148, 883 Harding, Norman B., , _ for judges ..,.,,,.____., 148, 883 payment of Court of Claims Judgment to for contingent expenses . 148, 883 administrator of .. 210 for clerk and reporter, district court- . 169, 905 ”“""’°"· "“{"5r , ¥°’ “"E$3l2’,}§}°S°£,€’§.Ei°“S ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ $33* Ht? t rt Claimsdgm t to OY 11g!` 1 --·-··---···- paymcilleig 01. - .,.,, .,,. , . . 21:-: for survcyirze waste -----------.-·-- 486; 1098 Harlem Kurs, M K, for q¤¤r¤¤¤!¤·> ¤¤m<2·= -------------- *581116 preliminary examination of, to be made- . 380 for P“Ym8· m P9-Wi JPd8m°m¤ 1Q!' P1'°P· Harlem Rivsr, N. K, €1'W_ d6¤*1’0Y0d 111 ¤11PP1¤¤¤111g b11· Happrciprjition for improvement of 349 bond Q? -6,- - - Lgté 780 urpoo a _ gm payment oil./Court of Claims judgment to for P'°P°1'[¥Y d68W0V9d 111 ¤11PP1`6¤¤· administrator of .. 212 _ me 1>¤b<>¤1¤ p1¤z¤¤ -----·--------· 781 gwpui, Tprjgey, silverconrisand certiiicatiestoberedeemed- 770 appropriation for comm] at _____________ g4, gy; terms of err1to;·1al senators, first election- 200 Hahimgq S0u¢,1h¢rn Company, 492 · , ,;Il:gg5tf’,%S;;(;?,3,,;gmm6m0 With, required- 172 Hlly H GDDCBSBB V6]'- , __,_,_, ’ · ’ · · - granted American register coasting trade Hzmnlm E Rl , ..,9 --»--·--· 1 -----·.. - »»--- 35 ,, H,, S E'} 8,2,9 . ****0* m°"Y "°’ “ · Hawaiian Silver Certificates, payment of French spoliation claim on to be by Hamm by January ]’ .,,1 · wut °f '`‘'‘‘‘'``'‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 221 liability for redemption, limited ..,.. 771 ”%“.;.£.i‘3","1,€;1,,p,,.,,e,1,,,,, 241 ¤··~»··e··~M ¢·~···· H,,,_,_,;,b,,,_,,, Pa-, ‘‘‘‘‘‘ receivamplgor government dues at face 770 ¤=¤¤¤ ·> com ----- —· ---·------ - ---- s ---· 549 mem,-m"i1;i1;ii.;11;,ast;;iA;;.;.;1a*"‘ Hm-rim, Ani., ,,0,,,,, my ,,0 construction of public building authorized cx i , E of,',;,; E,',',,' ',i,h';,;h’,', ' ¤Ppr*::;{,£t,i);,‘i,;,j ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·· ié, into United States silver coins . 771 - . "= ‘‘‘‘' - ’‘’' 1 ".‘" `la an a ·' -- limit of cost increased, public building - - - ’ 1203 imuihgscdof mimi-ged, d b"‘fl,°d ( mm, 771 tamsofwm ______""____________"" .,2 ega- lgogr quaiy officease anuary , 77, H'f""·*°""Q’9·,;‘:·· 552 ,,4 liability mr mie¤ip£i1>H,`1im1ted.[[-Z"`l 771 "ms ° °° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ * appropriation for transporting coins .. 771 HM Fam ·$U100l» D· G, · _ Hawgim, John W, ¤PP1’0P1‘l§tl0¤ l0!' ¤¤'¤ of ¤l11ld1'¢¤ 11*--- 613.978 , payment of Court of Claims judgment to Hqufqrd. www-_, _ _ _ administrator of ...,..,_,_.,,, 217 , limit of cost increased, public buildmgat- 311 Hawking, ,g_ AL, jp, ?·5>P'°P1"l¤tl0¤_f°" -----··-------..-. _ 424,1086 payment to ...,.,..._,_,__,,_,_ 400 bl'! 89 _¤¤1I·h0l'lZ€d 8¢1'0€¤ G011n9ct10U? Hay Lake ("ha1m•·l, Shin! Marys River, Jlich., River, between East Hartford and. 836 ~ appropriation for imprm-pmept of _______ 463 "IIarvard," U S. Cruiser, 5 Haync, Jem, certam presents to, returned to Harvard paymentm __________________ _ _________ 488 UUlV€Y$ll·Y -·-··-··--·-··---- · ---- 770 Haynes, James B., H<1°‘1’<"‘d L7¢i*'€'*`W!/i_ deficieuc appropriation for services . 26 retum of certain presents from U. S. Hayward, uy_, _ Cruise? U Harvard H --··-·-··------ 770 appropriation for Indian school; allowance H·¤1·¤9·· New-i _ _ mr extra pupils 271, 1003 °°“m“mQ¤ of new Public bulld1¤g, 811- l dedciencya propriation for Indian school. 1058 th<>r¤¤s><1 --·-------- - ------... 316 1 ··Haam1,*· Siloam, °PPr°P¤¤tion for · --··--··-·----··— 426. 1086 payment of French spoliation claim on ac- Halch, Crowell, , count of , ,.,. 233 payment of French spoliation claim to · Having, Naval Academy, administratorso ,,,,,______,_ 218, i expulsion, etc., for ..,,.. 1198 219, 219, 221,221, 228, 228, 228, 228, 229,233 Hazleu, Nara G., Hatch Math, _ _ _ patent in fee to, for lands in Oklahoma .. 261 payment of French spoliation claim to ad· , HMM Tax miuistrator of; proof -. 219 couecgggof 0;, li H f f Hm,,,,, _],),,,, E, , , i eign . ma en passe gers rom or- 12,3

pt Court of Claims Judgment to- . 214 { not cb by tpangfgz of judsdi 0,,3,,1 to

payment of Frpnch spoliation claim to ex- , mgm men 0 mmercc m ’°" 828 ‘ t ... . .,,,, 224 ’''`’’'°‘°‘’''' {Imam, gpmé A_, Soldiers Graves, payment of French gpgligfjqn 3],gim m ad. i KPETQPHBIIOD lOl' -_. -: .. - . 463, 1].28 mipisupmr of ______ 219, 223, 225, 230, 23] de ciency appropriation for - 29, 1073, 1076, 1077 Havens, Ez·raS., _ Hsald Bank, Tex., paymentto .,..., 241 ¤ appropriation for light-ship ______________ 1093