Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1328

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monx. Xxxi C0""W"r E- I/·, P°8°· Corpomliom, D. C., Page. Payment *0 -----·----·--·~·----- - ------ 491 charter granted Association of Military Ovrnmg. N Y, _ _ - Surgeons of the United States . 784 deficiency approprratron for public build- Genera] Education Board _____________ 768 _ mg site . . . Z 1 . ._ . _ .. 1039 Masonic Mutual Relief Association, charpl11'Ch§S€ of public burlding site author- my- modified ____________ _; ________ 923 ized ----·-------—~------- - ------- U08 National Florence Critteuton Mission, €’<»*Mv¤U1 C<8zmd¤1 charter amended .._,___,, 824 C “PP"0PB”·tg_°¤ fc? Comm} at ----------·-- 841 816 personaggax on; exemptions 619 M , _· _· 1 over per cent alien ownership not aPP*`°P¤3t}°;1 {OT -·---·-— _ - -_ —·--------- 5931 958 permitted to own real estate. . .’ 530 to be 8‘PP0lDt€d_by_ OOIDIDISBIODGTS ... 527 officers who may gig]; dggdg _____________ 53] execution of wuts in case of death, etc., of exception as to dealing in real estate . 533 _ marshal OF ---------- ·· ·--- - ------ 541 liabi ity for not making annual reports- , - 533 taking possession of goods under replevin; responsibility for loans to stockholders . . . 533 C 8P3%¢wfoF 1'€'>¤1'¤ ------------ 544 provisipu for appeal from decision in for- 0* _ _ · ·· · eiture proceedings repealed ... 534 ¤PE)i:§;1¤U0;¤ T0? 0<;1‘0¤8!` -------. . . injunctipus againgtl foreign, for noncom- _ P€¤¤€¤ ------------------ .- ..-- rance ... . ,,..__ 534 C deficiency Czplproprintign for deputy- . . 560, 3042 Cbrparazgrrw, Phwgilppinziy ` orporaiion me D. . conditions impgsed on gautedfran hises- 709 attorney for District to ine known as . 537 { use of slave la r prolii ited .. . 7 09 Omporatnorz Qmmsefs Office, D. Cl, real estate holdin , etc., of, restricted 709 appmpnahou for salaries 958 interest in more tiger: one mining or agri-

, cultural, unlawful  _ 709

bankruptcy of, no release of liability of , Corpus Christi and Padre Island Harbor Oom- _ officer·s ... _ ---_ . 797 i pany, investigation, etc., of, engaged m inter- 1 time extended to complete harbor ... . 341 state and foreign commerce .. -- 828 1 Corpus Chrbnti Channel, Tex., ` Qmpgraygnp, Alaska,. · p trme extended for bridge across . . 661 organization of private, authorized; pur- { 0W8W, Al;)}'?"?, rt f _ _ d t to _ __, _________________________ 947 , paymen o_ _ ou 0 Claims Ju gmen artigigg of inggrpomtiou to bg filgd; (gon- 9 H$d})IL;;}l$tmt0Y of -·~···-·---·--·--- 211 mms . 947 3 Covey, cr 1 orroot or oortmod copy or artioroo ... 947 1 paymput of 0<>¤¤ <>f C1¤im¤ iudzrneut w - 213 power; racéuferred by charter; real-estateC0-Sm fuitl, f tg m f _ th _ I to 0 ings _________________________ 947 con ro 0 rrr ry or is mum O311R board or oirectors; powers, oiootrono, bqacqvrred by treatg fwm -·-·-·-- 482 meetmgs, pm _____________________ 948 _ use of Nicaragua Canal an harbors guar- Stock, gubgqrlptmpg, assessments, votes, fmteed to ··--—-·- q —····--·---···· 483 etc ______________________________ 949 E Costa Rwu, Sqlvador, {rmi Azvaragua, dividends must be from net profits ___,,_, 949 BPPYOPUMIOU for rr¤¤¤e¤¢r to -------···- !6· 807 liability of diggqtprg fgr illegally disposing, C " fo}`BSi(£r$;f"`Xl0f 1¢g¤¤¤¤ ----~·—----- · - ’ 7v 808 atc_ 0 stock _____________________ 949 0 OQ _ 0 {em _ _ _ _ consideration for sctiock; liability for . d€¤0¥€;l<*.Y 8Kg>f°P¤¤U°¤ {0* *¤"*¤¤U8¤‘ 106) ts · __________________ 950 ’ ions e · . Z. 1sobiriti;»[!o(iloIi¤ool1i1•i£ trustees, oto ... smc * Carton 1*r<>d¤<·i§·>¤._ _ by-]awg’ 05506;, em; pcgiolm increase Or { annual publication of statistics during sea- 53 iminig capita gtoc ___________ __ 950 _ son -~---·-····-----·--·-·· • ·-—--- amemlments to charter; lists ofoff1cers... 951 I Cb3V15G B{*£I7`*% BMW _ t_ { by b ld diem utign proceedings _________________ 95] p G crepcy upproprm 1011 0i' pu 10 111 · annual statements required from officers - 952 E _ mg ···· _ -··--···--··· ; --·~- _ · · -_ ·-·· 1039 Corporations, Bureau aj} Departmmt of Com- I b"dg°(;:;l:1;"§2°Lr”°$ES Mlssmm R"'°r* 904 _ nwrce and Laoort _ · ·t f ’· " ```` '```` 7`*"Z " dencrency appropriation for Commrs- g him ;d£2?;n;3°{;2*§(l* pu m bmldmgr 1904 f srouer, assistant, etc .. g Colmmfemng `'``'`'```' " 0* "xP°“S“S ············‘·········‘‘‘ 3 'shment for me of adverthements etc for special agents, pay and expenses 1081 1 Punk . . L v· . r i . ·· estnblished; Commissioner, gieputy, etc -- 827 ‘ gggglaung Lmted States or fcmlgn 1293 ‘° ‘“"‘3“t3‘é“$%f?‘5>¢é‘iT‘€?»§-?·‘i»'¥?8"?»‘?‘7’Z 888 °°;;£;2*;f;¥;‘a:1:‘2'1,2‘Z;;,{,`:;l;;€i;1 111 1111 ggmmgn carriers gxcepf ______ ___ _,_, 828 ‘ ~ · Y · · l"""`;:` ’ — · powers to obtain testimony, ovitionoo, om., 2 Cb‘;‘j3;‘?;$$dfPL§mg3*‘““°” f" S“PP'“°‘“¥· · °8° 3,5 fp (ggrpgrgtigng _______________,. 828 4 · · ·’" Q _ · - to compare, 1111»111111, etc., M1111111111,11 828 I ¤¤g)g¤gj;g;g¤ for ¤¤¤~¤¤~¤¤8 -----—-—- ggg 3 gg [0 insurance corporations _________,_ 828 (bu 1, `'``'`` ```'``°```````` ’ _ I _ _ ~ { piers. (ar, C0'•‘P0’*‘¤}Wm$1 C0mm'·$8’0'*¢"' Ofr _ * requirements of automatic, extended .,... 943 ¤r>r»<>;¤¤¤<=¤¤1 8¤18¤y, ew -·-·----- Jf -·--- 8*@111-t-11o1o1», 1). n, deficiency appropriation for, assistant, _ , appropriation for cure, etc . 610, 976 {‘l€¤'kS1 etc - -- ----- _ ---------—-—·- mb] 1 for repairs ... 1139 authority of, as to corporations .- $28 i (_3;m·pOf_11pprul¤, 1). t'., Corporations, Common Chrrier, appropriation for justices, clerk, etc 170,905 liable for violating interstate commerce for reporter; price of reports 170. 905 reerrlations ... · ... 8 47 1 for reports of opinions 974