Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1275

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1210 FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. ll. Ch. 1011. 1903. ,h§f,;dl’““‘““¥ ““‘ the best terms obtainable, and to cause to be erected on the site thereof a suiltable, copimodious, iireiproof building for (fhe accommodation of all the branc es of the Fe eral service in said city, at a tota cost, including heating and ventilating ap aratus, fireproof vaults, eleva- _ tors, an approaches, of not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars; m§f’mp"""'Y bum` and for the purpose of providing suitable quarters and accommodations for ghe usle of the various hbranohes of the public service ini said city, pen ing the removal of the present Federal buildin , an the erection and completion of the new building hereinbefore aiithorized, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be constructed, ready for occupancy, a tem orary building for said purposes, on the south eighty feet of the Bliaderal CM- building site in said city, at a total cost for said temporary building of not to exceed ten thousand dollars, including the expense of moving the various branches of the public service into said temporar build- _ ing, said amount being additional to the limit of cost hereby fixed for ,,fS§;$,°{,Y,u°§{{‘,{;l°t‘°“ the erection of the permanent building hereinbefore authorized. That gfter gif; complmxion aéidhoccgipancy of the neyv permanent building erein ore authorize the ecretary of the reasur be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to sell, at such time gud upon such terms as he may deem to be to the best interests of the United States, said temporary building, together with the strip of land on which the same is situated, not to exceed eighty feet in width on Church street, with a depth of not to exceed two hundred and fifty-four feet six inches, apd to deposit the proceeds in the Treasury as a miscellaneous receip . . f,£:;¤¤§g,¤éme¤dd Sec. 9. That section twelve of an Act entitled "An Act to increase 'p` ’tlge limit; of cos; ofbcepglain publicbpildings, to authorize ghe puiichase o sites or pu ic ui 'n to authorize the erection an com etion of public buildings, and fdi other urposes," approved Junepsixth, nineteenlhiipdreg and two, be, and the same is, amended so that said section s a rea : I‘°*"°""‘€*’““‘”“€'· “That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause the post-office and court-house building at Macon, Georgia, to be enlarged, remodeled, and extended, so as to provide neeessaré accommodations for the dpost—o [Hee, courts. and other branches A“*“°“°’ F'°“°“· rcigfthle (pw§·nl1lr)1ent service, anh todpurchase additional ground on ir an u erry streets, in is iscretion, for this ur se and °°“'"‘°’°"°°d· that the total cost of saig enlargement, remodeling, e>i)tenIdi)on; and improvements, inc u in the ure ase riceof sucha ditional round _ shall not exceed the sun? of three hundred and six thousand giollarsi €Q,,°{"§}’,,,0und_ Provzded, That the limit of cost of such additional land shall not exceed · thirty-one thousand dollars. §f,2;‘jfg§§é;:hd6d_ Sec. 10 That so much of the provisions of section one of the Act entitled "An Act to increase the limit of cost of certain public buildings, to authorize the purchase of sites for public buildings, to authorize the erection and completion of public buildings, and for other purposes,"_ap1proved June sixth, nineteen hundre and two, as relates to the Unite States post-office, court—house, and custom-house at Richpiond, Virginia, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as iolows: °°*‘*““"°““°d· "United States post-office, 4court—house, and custom—house at Richmond, Virginia, from five hundred and sixteen thousand six hundred and twenty-eight dollars and eight cents to five hundred and ninety- __ one thousand six hundred and twenty-eight dollars and eight cents; g§,gf°;f*;Q,},9l§¤d· and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized in his discretion to acquire, by purchase, condemnation. or otherwise, the Shafer pgoperty adjoining the present posbotiice site in Richmond, Vir inia, ving a frontalge of sixty feet on Main and Bank streets and a depth of one hundre and sixty feet from Main to Bank streets, contain-