Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1267

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1202 rirrrsnvnisrn ooxennss. sm. 11. cu. 1010. 1002.. fornia, eleven thousand dollars; in all, public works under Marine Corps, two hundred and nineteen thousand dollars. - Ng{}’$’°’*“ °f the rxcnnasn or rim NAVY. '*"“F°‘*”'*°‘°“”*’°" That for the u se of further increasin the naval establishment u"h1W'16'Mmm` of the United Staltiis) the President is herebgv authorized to have constructed by contract 0,r in navy-yards as hereinafter provided three _first—class battle ships carrying the heaviest armor and most powerful ordnance for vessels of their class upon a trial dis lacement of not more than sixteen thousand tons, and to have the highest practicable speed and great radius of action, and to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not exceeding four million two hundred and twelve thousand ,,,,"§,,°,,,‘l'§‘§f’,,{,,,“‘€,,,‘},ff*' dollars each; two iirst—class battle ships, carrying the heaviest armor ' and most powerful ordnance for vessels of their class, upon a trial displacement of not more than thirteen thousand tons, and to have the highest practicable speed and great radius of action, and to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not exceeding three million five _h'{w<> mei ¤¤¤¤i¤s hundred thousand dollars each; two steel ships, to be used in training "' landsmen and apprentices, to be ropelled by sail, and to cost, exclus1ve of armament, not exceedin three hundred and seventy thousand 0¤Ql>¤’*8- dollars each; one wooden brig, to be used for training landsmen and apprentices at stations, to be_propelled by sail, and to cost, exclusive of armament, not exceeding hfty thousand dollars; and the cosmos. contract for the construction of each of said vessels shall be awarded, by the Secretary of the Navy, to the lowest best responsible bidder . having in view the best results and most expeditious delivery; and °<>¤¤°¤°°°¤· in the construction of all of said vessels the provisions of the Act of August third, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, entitled "An Act to v01.m, increase the naval establishment," as to materials for said vessels, their engines, boilers, and machinery, the contracts under which they are built, the notice of any proposals for the same, the plans, drawings, cilications therefor, and the method of executing said contracts ghdll be observed and followed, and, subject to the provisions of this Act, all said vessels shall be built in compliance with the terms of said Act, and in all their parts shall be of domestic machinery; and the steel material shall e of domestic manufacture, and of the quality and characteristics best adapted to the various purposes for whic it may be used, in accordance with specifications b1;l5¤¤l}¤ f¤r ¤>¤¤ approved by the Secretary of the Navy; and not more than two " °' of the five battle ships rovided for in this Act shall be built by gqgéuction in ope contracting party: grmdded jln·¢, That the Secretary of the mvpiytmsrn case or l\avy may buil any or all of the vessels herein authorized in such f,Q,§‘{_§’e‘;,Q"°"· °‘°·» °’ navy-yards as he may designate, and shall build any of the vessels herein authorized in such navy-yards as he may designate, should it reasonably apfpear that the persons, iirms, or corporations, or the agents thereo , bidding for the construction of any of said vessels, have entered into any combination, agreement, or understanding, the effect, object, or purpose of which is to deprive the Government of fair, open, ang unregtricged competition in letting contracts for the construction o any 0 said vesse s. submarine torpedo The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to l’°g°}$gc,,,,c,,;_ ,,,,,;,,,1.. contract for or purchase subsurface or submarine topdo boats in the inflhoumummd s;grgregJ:te of, ut not exceeding, five hundred thousand dollars: 1~m»~s»¤».· 02:2 d, That prior to said purchase or contract for said boats any

,,°°,{§‘,,”§3,§t,‘{“,n$§’§,‘j American inventor or owner of a subsurface or submarine torpedo

me em- boat may give reasonable notice and have his, her, or its subsurface or submarine torpedo boat tested by comparison or competition, o1· ~ both, with a Government subsurface or submarineto do boat or any Repcmerc. private competitor, provided there be any such, ari-de thereupon the