Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1242

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FIKFY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 1010. 1903. 1177 ‘ CHAP. 1010. —An Act Making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal Mmh 3. 1903- year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, and for other purposes. Be it emzeted by t/we Senate and House ofRe]>resentativec of the United ‘ States of Ameriea in Omzgress assembled, That the following sums be, r§°g;li0¤;s"*°° *4* and they are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the P P ` Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the naval service of the Government for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, and for other purposes. PAY or rim NAVY. Pay and allowances dprescribed by law of officers on sea duty; officers P¤v <>f the Navy- on shore and other uty; officers on waiting orders; officers on the retired list; clerks to commandants of yards and stations; clerks to paymasters at yards and stations; general storekeepers; receiving ships and other vessels; commutation of quarters for officers on shore not occupying public quarters, including boatswains, gunners, carpenters, sailmakers, warrant machinists, pharmacists, and mates, and also naval constructors and assistant naval constructors; pay of enlisted men on the retired list; extra pay to men reenlisting under honorable discharge; interest on deposits by men; pay of petty officers, seamen, landsmen, and ap rentices, inc uding men in the engineers’ force, and men detailedp for duty with Naval Militia, and for the Fish Commission twenty-eight thousand five hundred men, the three thousand additional men herein authorized may be recruited upon the passage of this Act, and two thousand five hundred apprentices under trainrn at training stations and on board training ships, at the pay prescrrgbed by law, seventeen million seven hundred and six thousand and ninety-nine dollars. PAY, MISCELLANEOUS. For commissions and interest; transportation of funds; exchange; P“"·”"“°°1l“”°°"“· mileage to officers while traveling under orders in the United States, and for actual personal expenses of officers while traveling abroad under orders, and for traveling expenses of civilian employees, and for actual and necessary traveling expenses of midshipmen while proceeding from their homes to the Naval Academy for examination and agrointment as midshipmen; for rent and furniture of buildings and offices not in navy—yar s; expenses of courts—martial, prisoners and prisons and courts of inquiry, boards of inspection, examining boards, with clerks’ and witnesses’ fees, and traveling expenses and costs; stationery and recording; expenses of purchasing-paymasters’ offices of the various cities, including clerks, furniture, fuel, stationery, and incidental · expenses; newspapers and advertising; foreign postage; telegraphing, foreign and domestic; telephones; copying; care of library, inc udmlg the purchase of books, photographs, prints, manuscripts, and peri — icals; ferria e, tolls, and express fees; costs of suits; commissions, warrants.di[§omas,and discharges; relief of vessels in distress; recovery of valuables from shipwrecks; quarantine expenses; reports; profes— sional investigation; cost of special instruction, at home or abroad, in maintenance of students and attaches and information from abroad, and the collection and classification thereof, and other necessary and incidental expenses, six hundred thousand dollars. _ CoN*rrNo1:N*r, N AVYI For all emer encies and extraordinary expenses, °°“‘“"°“‘· exclusive of personal services in gre Navy Department or any of its subordinate bureaus or the offices at Washington, District of Columbia, arising at home or abroad, but impossible to be anticgpated or classified, to be expended on the approval and authority 0 the Secretary of the Navy and for such purposes as he may deem proper, fifteen thousand dollars.