Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1227

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1162 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1008. 1903. etf°°l5· *¤S“'“”‘°“"· the purchase of manuscript for publication; for tools, instruments, ` and artists’ materials; for drawings, engravings, photographs, paint ings, lithographs, and other illustration work; for electrotypes, and for travelin expenses when necessary; eighty-five thousand dollars for labor and: material required in the distribution of documents, including purchase of wagon, harness, and horses, and maintenance of same, Rm"- and for repairs; for rent of building for the storage and distribution “`““'“'““"· °*°· of farmers bulletins, and the pay of watchman, charwomen, all necessaréy office fixtures and supplies; for gas and electric current; telegraph _ an telephone services, and for such other expenses as may be neces- I sary; in all, two hundred thousand dollars. Total for Division of Publications, two hundred and twenty-nine thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. t,£i*‘¤*<>¤ <>f Stme BUREAU or STATISTICS, srurarunsz One statistician, who shall be chief siimes. of bureau, three thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant statistician, who shall be assistant chief of bureau, two thousand two hundred dollars; three clerks class four, five thousand four hundred dollars; four clerks class three, six thousand four hundred dollars; live clerks class two, seven thousand dollars; eight clerks class one, nine thousand six hundred dollars; ten clerks, at one thousand dollars each, ten thousand dollars; four clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, forty-seven thousand four hundred and sixty dollars. gggggcrgllngjgjggtsgés Gmmnsr. nxrnssns, Bmmu or Snrrsrrosz Collecting domestic , ' and foreign agricultural statistics; coranpilin ,writing, and illustrating statistical matter for monthly, annu , and specia reports; specia ‘ investigations and compilations; subscription to, and purchase of, statistical and newspaper publications containing data for permanent comparative records; maps and charts; stationery supplies, blanks, blank books, circulars, plaper, envelopes, postal cards, postage stamps, office fixtures, telegrap and telephone services, freight and express charges, including employment of labor in the city of Washington §r·>¤·{·g_, m m and elsewhere, and necessary traveling expenses: I’»·»»»z·»'de4l, That the main ‘ P monthly crop report, issued on the tenth day of each month. shall ‘ embrace a statement of the condition of the crops. by States. in the United States. with such explanations, comparisons, and information as may be useful for illustrating the above matte r. and that it shall be submitted to. and officially approved bv, the Secretary of Agriculture _ _ before being issued or published. one hundred and nine thousand two ,D§,é*“’*°’*“““*“"’¥‘ hundred do lars, of which sum not more than fifty thousand dollars shall be expended for salaries in the citv of Washington, District of Columbia, hve thousand dollars of which sum shall be immediately avar a e. - ` Total for Bureau of Statistics, one hundred and fifty-six thousand six hundred and sixty dollars. Mggggen of Fmizn Drvrsroiv or Fonnrox Mamuyrs, samnmsz One chief of division, sunmés. two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant chief of division, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant. one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk class two. one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk class one, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all. eight thousand five hundred dollars. §§Q‘§,§f§}0$,’§,*§$.,’jf§$;¤ ‘ GENERAL nxrrnrasns, Drvrsros or F onmex Makxrrrsz Investiga- ¤¤¤rk~¤~» tions concerning the feasibility of extending the demands of foreign markets for the agricultural products of the United States, and to secure. as far as may be. a change in the methods of supplying farm Sperm! ¤s*>¤*¤·¤¤¤- products to foreign countries; employment of local and special agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor required in making investigations in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and in collecting, digesting, T¤*‘¤¤¤¢ °¤P°¤'*—‘¤- reporting, and illustratin the results of such investigations; travelin expenses and freight and express charges: telephone and telegraph