Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1218

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FIFIY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Srsss. II. Ch. 1008. -1903. 1153 in the field and laborator ; necessa travelin e nses· fore ress and freight charges; the `preparatiohyof reportgs ahdcillustrationlslg the rent and repairs of a building, not to exceed three thousand dollars per annum; all necessary office fixtures and supplies, and for other expenses connected with the dpractical work of the investigations, one hundred and thirty thousan dollars, five thousand dollars of which sum shall be immediately available. _ Pomoroorcn. mvnsrrexrrons: Investigating, collecting, and dissem- ,,gaP°tgg*&°¤°*l *¤'•* ~ mating information relating to the fruit industry; the collection and distribution of seeds, shrubs, trees, and specimens; and for collecting and modeling fruits, vegetables, and other lants, and furnishing duplicate models to the exgriment stations of) the several States, as far as found practicable; the employment of investigators, local and special agents, clerks, assistants, student scientific aids at an annual salary of four hundred and eighty dollars each, and other labor required in conducting experiments in the city of Washington and elsewhere; and in collating, digesting, re rting, and illustrating the results of such experiments; or gas angoelectric current; for tele- - graph and telephone services; for express and freight charges; for all necessary office fixtures and supplies and for traveling and other necessary expenses,,to continue the investigations and experiments in the introduction of the culture of European table grapes and the study of the diseases that affect them, for the purpose of discovering remedies therefor, ·this work to be done in cooperation with the section of seed and plant introduction; to investigate in cooperation with the other divisions and bureaus of the Department and the experiment stations of the several States the market conditions affecting the fruit and vegetable trade in the United States and foreign countries, and the methods of harvesting, packing, storing, and shipping fruit and vegetables, and for experimental shipments of fruits and vegetables to foreign countries, for the pur ose of increasing the exportation of American fruits and ve etables, and for all necessary expenses connected with the racticahwork of the same, and such fruits and vegetables as are needped for these investi tions and experimental shipments may be bought in open market andgdisposed of at the discretion of the Secretary o Aglriculture, and he is authorized to apply the moneys received from the sales of such fruits and vegetables toward the continuation and repetition of these investigations and experimental shipments; to investzgate, map, and replort upon the commercial fruit districts of the nited States, for the purpose of determining the relative adaptability of the several important fruits thereto, by a study of the conditions of soil and climate, and of the prevalence of plant diseases existing therein as related to commercial fruit production, thirty-seven thousand dollars, five thousand dollars of which sum may in the discretion of the Secretary be expended in cooperation with the VM ¤¤¤~¤¢ experiment station of the State of California for studying the nature of the phylloxera, Anaheim, and other diseases of vines, and for ascertaining the best means for protecting vineyards against their ravages. BOTANICAL rnvasrrosrrons Arm mxrmnrmmrrs: nvestigations re at- nwgyg i¤*¤¤¤· ing to medicinal, isonous, fiber, and other economic plants, seeds,' and weeds; the collgction of plants, traveling expenses, and express and freight char es; for all necessary office fixtures; the purchase of paper and all other necessary supplies, materials, and apparatus; for rent and ordinary repairs of a building for office and laboratory purposes, not to exceed three thousand do lars; for gas and electric current; for tele ph and telephone service; for the employment of investi tors,I<?al and special agents, clerks, assistants, and student scientid: aids at an annual salary of four hundred and eighty dollars each, and other labor in conducting experiments in the city of Washington and elsewhere; and in collating, digesting, reporting, and von xxxrr, rrr 1--73