Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1195

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1130 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 1007. 1903. modation of the increased garrison and for drill ground, two hundred and eighty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Scbiylkill ·'¤¤¤¤¤1» For construction, including heating and plumbing, of a three—story - msii>°:»°iitifSZ` and basement storehouse at Schuylkill Arsenal, Phi adelphia depot of the Quartermaster’s Department, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. U¤<->¤1>img<¤<i_\¢¤1- The unexpended appropriation of twenty-Eve thousand dollars in m23f;. 4s»s.°` sundry civil Act approved June twenty-eig th, nineteen hundred and two, for completing construction of an addition to firiproof storehouse at the clothing depot at the Schuylkill Arsenal, Phil elphia, Pennsylvania, and installing elevators, is hereby made available for putting a new roof on fireproof annex to storehouse numbered three, including such repairs to walls and upper story as may be necessitated thereby, and repairing roofs of three iron storehouses, all at the said depot. $l=¤8”=YyA**¤k¤· For purchase of a tract of land at Skagway, Alaska, to be used as a site for a military post, five hundred dollars. N‘§"’°m°” “‘°¤°· ENLARGEMENT or Govnnnons Ismnn, Naw Yom:: For continuing 'lan of improvement for the enlargement of Governors Island, New York Harbor, by wharf work, dredging, bulkhead, and filling, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. F°'* M°“’°°·"“· Four Mormon, Vmemui: For repair and maintenance of wharf, including all necessary labor and material therefor, fuel for waiting rooms, and water for llushing closets, seven thousand nine hundre - and forty-five dollars; wharfinger, nine hundred dollars; laborer, four hundred and twenty dollars; in all, nine thousand two hundred and sixty—’rive dollars; for one-half of said sum to be supplied by the United States, four thousand six hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty cents. _ R<>·¤¤·¤°¤· and operation of roads, (pavements, streets, lights, and general police: For rakes, shovels, an brooms; repairs to streets, macadamizmg, brick, cement, terra—cotta drainpipe, and catch-basins; electric lights or streets, two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars; driver for police cart, four hundred and eighty dollars; laborer policing roads, four hundred and eighty dollars; in all, three thousand nine hundred and ten dollars; for one-half of said sum to be su plied by the United States one thousand nine hundred and fifty-tive dbllars. gsggmu Maintenance of sewer system: For coal and wood, waste, oil, and ` pump repairs, sewer pipe, cement, brick, and supplies, new roof, sewerage tank, one thousand seven hundred dollars; two engineers, at nine hundred dollars each; two iiremen, at six hundred dollars each; two laborers, at five hundred dollars each; in all, five thousand seven hundred dollars; for one-half of said sum to be supplied by the United States, two thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. Y¤¤¤w·*¤¤¤ P¤¤k· lmrnovnmnm or rim Ymmowsroxm NATIONAL PARK: For the improvement of the Yellowstone National Park, in accordance with the approved project, includin maintenance and repair of existing improvements, to be expended by and under the direction of the Secretary of War, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be immediate y available and to remain available until expended. · p,}§§,g*Pf,°§;Q°*" by Private parties or companies doing business in the Yellowstone National Park under authority from the Government may be permitted, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, to use electricity furnished by the electric lighting and power plant of Fort Yellowstone and Mammoth Hot Siprings at actual cost to the Government for operation, maintenance, an depreciation of the plant and ten per centum additip:;?, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary o ar. °"°““'R‘l’°°’°""· Momrr Rammn Narromu. PARK: To enable the Secretary of War to cause a survey to be made of the most practicable route for a wagon road into said park. and toward the construction of said road