Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1178

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 1007. 1903. 1113 smallpox, bubonic plague, or Chinese plague, or black death, to use the unexpended balance of the sums appropriated and reappropriated by the sundig civil appropriation Act approved June twenty-eighth, Aman. 4m. nineteen hun red and two, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in aid of State and local boards, or otherwise, in his discretion, in pre- , venting and suppressing the spread of the same; and in such emergency ID the execution of any quarantine laws which may be then in orce. . UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. mf;{°’*°* D°P¤"- U ruauc nmrmmos. mane buildings. Rarnns or nurnnmos, Iurmuon Dmnm·m1:N·r: For repairs of R°v*'¤· Interior Department and Pension buildings, and of the old Post—Office Dcgaartment building, ten thousand dollars. nninnnnifs Hosrrnr.: For the construction of a new Freedmen’s mf*¤*d¤°¤’¤ ¤¤¤r¤— Hospital building and accessories on the ground now occupied by the oonsu-ucuonornew Freedmen’s Hospital, fifty thousand dollars, said buildings to be con- °“°°‘"" structed upon plans to be approved by the Supervising Architect of the Treasury and the Superintendent of the Ca itol Building and Grounds and sufficient w en completed to providg for not less than two hundred patients; and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized °°”¤‘°** to enter into a contract or contracts for the construction of said build— ings at a cost not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars which sum, including the amount herein appropriated, shall be paid one-half out of the Treasury of the United States and one-half out of the revenues of the District of Columbia: Provided, That before any portion of the sum herein appropriated shall be expended, the proper authorities ownin the ground upon which said uildings are to be erected shall lease ghe same to the Government of the United States at an annual · rental of one dollar per annum during the period of their occupation _ of the same: Prmr£dedfurthm·, Thatt e trustees of Howard University ,c§?°"’°“'· °'°·· "°"‘ shall be regpired to supply all medical and surgical service without cost to the nited States or the District of Columbia. Fon mz Carrronz For work at Capitol, and for general and special§‘;l,§},‘{’,},_ m repairs thereof, including wa es of mechanics and laborers, and not exceeding fifty dollars for tds purchase of technical and necessary books, two hundred and ninety-tive thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars, to be immediately available, of which sum not exceeding seven thousand dollars may be used for models, but nothing in this appropriation shall be considered as initiating any change in the East front of the Capitol or in any way committing Congress to the same. To rovide flags for the east and west fronts of the center of the m"'· Capitoll, to be hoisted daily under the direction of the Capitol police board, one hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. _ For continuing the work of cleaning and repairing works of art in ,,,§‘°‘“‘"‘ "°'“' °‘ the Capitol, including the 'repairing 0 frames, under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library, one thousand five hundred dollars. _ _ To procure two new steel boilers of the water-tube type of about S§l§}'[,_ “°°l °°‘l°”* two hundred and twenty-five horsepower for the Senate wing of the Ca itol, ten thousand five hundred ollars. To authorize the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds m2?" °“°”* S°“"° to continue the construction of steel cases for the proper protection of the files of the Senate, sixteen thousand seven hundred and thirty-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be immediately availab e. _ To acquire a site for, and toward the construction of, a iireproof ,,,§°§'03?Q°$,}’“f{§lgf§ building for committee rooms, folding room and other offices for the ¤°¤*¤**'°* House of Representatives, and for necessary office rooms for Members _ thereof, to be erected on one of the squares bounded by B Street south, l·°°’“‘°”·