Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1114

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1I. Ch. 1006. 1903. 1049 U lélastern Branch at Togus, Maine: For household, includin the same "°¤“¤· “°· objects specified under is head for the Central Branch in the sundry . 01V1l. appropriation Act for the tiscal year nineteen hundred and three, fifteen ousand dollars. Southern Branch at Hampton, Virginia: For household, including n¤mp¤>¤,v¤. the same objects specified under this cad for the Central Branch in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, thirty thousand dollars. For repairs, including the same objects specified under this head for the Centra] Branch in e sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, five thousand dollars. At the Western Branch at Leavenworth, Kansas: For household 1‘°“"“"°“'"‘·K"“‘· expenses, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, seven thousand dollars. For repairs, includirig the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch in e sundry civil a ropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, seven Hibusand five hundred dollars. For farm, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch in the sundry civil apcpgolpriation Act for the Hscal year nineteen hundred and two, one hun and ten dollars. Marion Branch, at Marion, Indiana: For current expenses, includ- “"'*°°·I”"· ing the same objects specified under this head for the (,entral Branch in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, one thousand dollars. For household, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, and for necessary expenses for the procurement, (pi ing, and preservation of natural gas, oil, and water, ten thousan dbllars. Danville Branch, at Danville, Illinois: For subsistence, including D•¤'m°· m· the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, five thousand dollars. . d Srrxm on Tnnnrromu. norms: For continuing aid to State or Ter— hg;`,?,'" T°"“°"'° ritorial homes for the support of disabled volunteer soldiers, in conformity with the Act approved August twenty-seventh eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, mcludin all classes of soldiers admissible to the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, on account of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, eighty-one thousand three hundred and fifty-five dollars and forty-three cents: Provided, That one-half of any QQ, Named_ sum or sums retained by State homes on account of pensions received from inmates shall be deducted from the aid herein provided for. ' NAVY DEPARTMENT. "“’ ”°*’°'"""“‘· NAVAL Onsnnvxronr: For fuel, oil, grease, tools, pipe, wire, and Mm 0b°°"°t°”' other materials needed for the maintenance and repair of boilers, _ engines, heating apparatus, electric lighting and {power plant, and water supply system; purchase and maintenance o teams; materials for boxing nautical instruments for transportation; paints, telegraph and telephone service, and incidental labor, two thousand dollars. · rAvan rzsrrsnrsummr. ..L*:Z°‘ """""" GENERAL Accomrr or Anvnrcms: To reimburse “General account °°°°“m °‘ of advances,” created by the Act of June nineteenth, eighteen hundred {,'·g§f",}’,j";“}‘g§“‘· and seventy-eight, for amounts advanced therefrom and expended on account of the several appropriations named in excess of the sums