Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1109

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1044 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1006. 1903. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, one thousand four hundred and thirty-eight dollars and thirty-four cents. 1.-,,,,,dmeu·, HO, FREEDMEN7S Hos1>rrALANn ASYLUM: F oradditionalamounts required Dim- for fuel and light and other objects mentioned under this head in the appropriation for the service of the fiscal years that follow: iscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, seven dollars and fifty cents. Fiscal year nineteen hundred, twelve dollars and two cents. Fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, eight dollars and thirty-one cents. . eunem nospam, GARFIELD Hosrrnn rsorayrme WARD, Drsrmor or COLUMBIA! For I¤¤1¤¤<>¤ wud- additional amount required for maintenance of the isolation ward for minor contagious diseases at Garfield Hoslpital for the fiscal year nine- · teen hundred and three, one thousand dollars. iuausmai Home Irznusrman Hom: SoHo0L, Drsmror or COLUMBIA! For additional S°“°°'· amount required for maintenance, fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, four thousand dollars.. romana- me Wasmivsron Hosrrrar. ron Founnnmesz To provide suitable pro- Pi°°‘· tection a ainst disaster by fire to the buildings of the institution, one thousandg one hundred dollars. mm of cmmmrs Bono or CmLDmsN’s GuAnmANs: For amount required to pav to ““C';'Q§’},}‘*§,h,1d,cu_ various institutions obligations incurred for board and care of children committed to the guardianship of the Board of Children’s Guardians, with authority to pay eighty-seven dollars and five cents to institutions - adjudged to be under sectarian control, fiscal (year nineteen hundred and two, six hundred and thirty-one dollars an thirty-six cents. _ . may, ALLnYs: 'I‘he Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby °°¤°°¤¤•**°” °" authorized. to pay jurors’ fees, and the fee of the United States marshal in condemnation plrpceedings for the opening of a minor street in square_ twenty-four, m the appropriation for alleys, District of Columbia. mamsmnma. Anus MILL Roan: For additional amount required to pay the award for damages in the matter of the widening of Adams Mill road, three thousand two hundred and six dollars and twenty-seven cents. I>ep<>r¤¤si¤¤¤¤•>- Hosrrrn. ron mn mslmnz For amount required for the deportation of nonresident insane one thousand dollars. meveuueu of mu. HEAI.TH DEPARTMENT: l•`or the enforcement of the revisions of the “§‘(‘;'f“,6‘l*’;@· Act to prevent the spread of scarlet fever and diphtheria in the District of Columbia, approved December twentieth, eighteen hundred v¤1.2s,p.cas. and ninety, and the Act to prevent the spread of contagious diseases in the District of Columbia, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, including purchase and maintenance of necessary _ horses, wagons, and harness, to continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, ten thousand dollars. Jl1L For expenses for maintenance of the jail of the District of Columbia, and for support of prisoners therein, to be expended under the direction of the Attorne -General, being a deficiency on account of the ‘ fiscal year nineteen liundred and two, six hundred and thirty-five dol- ` lars and fifty-seven cents. nm from Dime: Except as otherwise provided, one·half of the foregoing amounts to '"°“““‘ meet deficiencies in the appropriations on account of the District of Columbia shall be paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and one-half rom any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. wm- new-emma. WAR DEPARTMENT. m;1rg1;§>1g8m rem ui For completion and publication of report of board of medical officers · Compledngpgéwn gppomted to investigate the 0T1g1D and spread of ty hoid fever in n1ted States military camps in eighteen undred and ninety-eight, including pay of professional assistance of surviving member of the