Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1097

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1032 FIF1`Y-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. C11. 1006. 1903. and harness, rent of stable, telegraphic and electric apparatus and repairs to the same, and miscellaneous items not included in the foregoing on account of the Hscal years as follows: For the iiscal year nineteen hundred and three, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, four hundred and thirty-nine dollars and sixteen cents. mP¤*¢¤¤¤¤ ¢>i ¤¤¤¢¤· For the purchase of horses and vehicles for the official use of the ' D rtment of State, one thousand two hundred dollars. wm! I""- glpdreimburse the law clerk of this De rtment for expenses incurred in connection with the editin of the lhfws of the first session of the Fifty-seventh Congress, namely: Clerk hire, exlpert assistance, indexing, and so forth, one thousan five hundred dollars. A¤¤i¤¤¤¤· o pay the assistant law clerk to be appointed by the Secretary of " State to edit the laws of Congress and perform such other duties as 4m,•z. may be re uired of him, as provided for bg the Act making approriations for the legislative., executive, an judicial expenses of the Covernment for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, and for other purposes, for services from December first, nineteen hundred and two, until Jul first, nineteen hundred and three, eight hundred and seventy-five dollars. Grutsgnléu mu To enable the Secretary of State to have the Great Seal of the ungwuumsa, United States recut from the original model, and to purchase a suitable press for its use and a cover to protect the same from dust, the A""- P·“'· sum of one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars a pro(priated by the deficiency act approved July first, nineteen hundred an two, "To - enable the Secretary of State to have the Great Seal of the United Stats; recut," is hereby reappropriated for the purposes above mention . . Italy. To , out of humane consideration, without reference to the ues- 5eg1sdiifiii:}ut?;{°(i,°`i;`iZ tion ofiliability therefor to the Italian Government, as full inderiinity “'*“· Mi? to the heirs of Giovanni and Vincenzo Serio, who were slain, and to Salvatore Liberto, who was injured by an armed mob at Erwin, Missisairapi, on July eleventh, nineteen hundred and one, five thousand o ars. xwh ¤z¤¤¢r- For rent of offices for the United States dispatch agency, New York ‘ Citg, from January iirst, nineteen hundred and three, to June thirgah , nineteen hundred and four, inclusive, one thousand five hundred o ars. F¤r¢i¤¤*¤¤¤¤¢<>¤¤¢- Fom·:1oN mrrmoounsm. p€‘f,Qg;f}¤';Sg,$,$,;_ °*‘ Cosrrxermr nxrsusms, romcren mssrousz To enable the President to (provide, at the public expense, all such stationer , blanks, records, an other books, seals presses, flags, and signs as he shall think necessary for the several embassies and legations in the transaction of their business, and also for rent, postage, telegrams, furniture, messenger service, clerk hire, compensation of cavasses, guards, dragomans, and raorters including compensation of interpreter, guards, and Arabic cler at the consulate at Tan `ers, and the compensation of dispatch agents at London, New Yogi, and San Francisco, and for traveling and miscellaneous expenses of embassies and legations, and for printing in the De rtment of State, and for loss on bills of exchange to and from emgssies and legations, twenty thousand dollars. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers on account of the appropriation for “Contingent expenses, foreign missions," for the tisca year nineteen hundred and two, two thousand two hundred and thirty-one dollars and eighty-three cents. Solomon naman. To pay to the estate of Solomon Hirsch, deceased, late United O{’“"“‘*"‘ “’ °“‘“"° States minister to Turkey, under the following appropriations, namely: Salaries of diplomatic officers while receiving instructions and en transit, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, sixty-three dollars and