Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1075

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1010 FIFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Ch. 994. 1903. they expressly grant to the State of Minnesota for school purposes sections sixteen and thirty-six of each township. R““‘°"*“"““‘”“““· "All of the Indians residing upon the tract above described shall remove therefrom to the diminished Red Lake Reservation within six prgtgggggs *‘“‘ months after the ratification of this Act; and there is hereby appro- ' riated from the proceeds of said sale the sum of twenty thousand · dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be paid to those thus removing in proportion to their respective improvements, which payment to said Red Lake Indians shall be in full of all improvements which they will abandon, and also for the removal within the dimin—- ished reservation of their dead from where they are now buried on the ce1Q*d‘}f°““°“ °* I""* tract above described. The proceeds of said lands, as realized from time to time, shall be paid into the United States Treasury to the credit of the Indians belonging on said Red Lake Reservation. P°‘°°P"*"°’m°”** "Of the amount realized from the sale of said lands the sum of . three hundred thousand dollars shall be paid in cash, per capita, share and share alike, to each man, woman, and child belonging on said Red A Lake Indian Reservation within ninety days after the sa e herein provided for and the receipt by the United States of said sum from said sales, and the remainder of the proceeds of the sale of said lands shall be paid in cash, per capita, in fifteen annual installments, the first installment to be paid in the month of October of the year following thas in which the payment of the three hundred thousand dollars is ma e. ,i0I,'{°‘§,*}°” "In consideration of the Indians hereinafter referred to ratifying

  • ¢¤¤"¤¤¤¤· this Act, the said Indians shall possess their diminished reservation

inde ndent of all other bands of Chippewa Indians, and shall be A¤¤¤¤¢¤*¤~ entidgd to allotments thereon of one hun red and sixty acres each of either agricultural or pine land, the different classes of land to be appropriated as eq_uitab y as possible among the allottees. And nothing in this Act or its acceptance by said In ians shall be construed to B°”‘*“‘- deprive the said Indians of any benefits to which they are entitled ` under existing treaties or agreements not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act. B°8'¤*¤**°”· “The Secretary of the Interior is hereby vested with full power and authority to make such rules and regulations as to the time of notice, manner of sale and other matters incident to the carrying out of the provisions of this Act as he may deem necessary, and with authority to continue making sales of said land until all of said land shall have F·°8*¤*¢*· °°°·· me been sold. The register and receiver shall receive the usual fees for making tinalrproof under this Act. 1{,’;*5Q*;*m,ty 0, me Provided, hat nothing in this section contained shall in any manner Umm sums. bind the United States to purchase any portion of the land herein described, or to dispose of said land except as provided herein; or to guarantee to find purchasers for said lands or any portion thereof, it being the intention of this Act that the United States shall act as trustee _ for said Indians to dis se of said lands and to expend and pay over the piéogeeds received fibm the sale thereof only as received, as herein - rovi e . R‘“°°"*“°“· P "This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its ratification by the Red Lake and Pembina Bands of Chi pewa Indians belonging on the Red Lake Indian Reservation, in the Sptate of Minnesota, a majority of the male adults of said Indians assenting thereto, and the evidence thereof to be made by the proclamation of the President to the edect that this act has been duly ratified. And the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to submit this Act to said Indians for ratification as early as is practicable? m;F§g_, my Sec. 13. That any one or more of the registers and receivers of the gggmsuit ¥¤G¤¤r¤ of United States land offices in the State of Kansas upon whom was gimposed the responsibility of making sale and disposal of the Osage