Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/107

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FIFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. L Cris. 30-32. 1902. 41 Sec. 5. That the bridge authorized to be constructed under this Act upS:f°’§;“;mf, of *° shall be built and located under and subject to such re ulations for the` security of navigation of said river as the Secretary 0% War shall rescribe, and to secure that object the said company or corporation sgall submit to the Secretary of \Var, for his examination and approval, a design and drawings of said bridge and a map of the location, giving for the space of one mile above and one mile elow the proposed location of the bridge the topography of the banks of the river, with shore lines at high and low water, and shall furnish such other information as may be required -for a full and satisfactory understanding of the subject; and until the said plans and location of the bridge are Cl*°“€° · approved by the Secretarly of War the bridge shall not be built, and should any change be ma e in the plans of the said bridge during the process of struction or after completion such charége shall be subect to the approval of the Secretary of Wa1·, and said structure shall lie changed at the cost and expense of the owners thereof from time to timie, as the Secretary of War may direct, so as to preserve the free an convenient navi tion of said river. Sec. 6. That this {Act shall be null and void if actual construction of m}:¤¤<·=_ 01 ¤¤¤¤r¤c- the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and ` completed within three years from the date hereof. Sec. 7. That than right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby =¤¤¤¤dm¤¤r. expressly reserve . . Approved, February 24, 1902. HGH1p1'. 315-;vAn Acikgptendgpg the time yvlithinegvpich th: Iiissilssippi River, February 24,1902. am u an rn m is au om o cons mc a. n across the Baylgi Bmhcmew in Aihansasixmy ge [Public' N0` Z2`] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rgwesentatioes of the United States of America in Oolqgress assembled, That the time within which m§§,fj§‘,k_ B““*'°l‘* the Mississippi River, amburgi] and Westcrn Railway Company, bggme extended for . • s _ _ __ glng. a corporation existing undei the laws of the State of Arkansas, was authorized b the Act approved on the twelfth day of March, eighteen hundredy and ninety-eight entitled "An Act authorizing the V°'· “°·P·"“· Mgississip i River, Hamburg and Western Railway Company to construct and) maintain a brid across the Bayou Bartholomew in Arkansas," to construct its said §idge is hereby extended so that the said corporation may continue and complete the said construction within three years from the passage of t is Act: Rvooided, That said con- §'0§‘g{‘,?,,cm,,,_ struction and maintenance thereof shall in all other respects be in comliance with the terms of the said Act approved on the twelfth day of Elarch, eighteen hundred and ninety-eig t. Approved, February 2-1. 1902. GHAP. 82.-—An Act Granting to the White River Railway Company the right Februsry26,1902. to construct, maintain, and operate a singletrack railway across the lands of the United States in the south halt of the sout west quarter of section twenty-two, townshi fourteen north, range eight west of the fifth principal meridian, in the county of independence, in the State of Arkansas, reserved for use in connection with the construction of Lock Numbered Three, Upper White River, Arkansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R?2re.9entatz'z·es of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the White River Rail- wpazkkivo. skipper way Company, a corporation created and existing under and by virtue wiiéirewiiiéer of the laws of the State of Arkansas, 1ts successors_ and assigns, be, ggtgpgygwh and they are hereby, authorized to construct. maintain, and operate a lands cl. single-track railway over and across the lands of the United btates in