Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1003

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938 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. · Ch. 975. 1903. continuing the construction, equipment, and maintenance of suitable ,, buildings at military posts and stations for the conduct of the post exchange, school, libragy, reading, lunch, amusement rooms, and gymnasium, to be expgrn ed in the iscretion and under the direction of the Secretary of ar, five hundred thousand dollars: Promded m‘““°’ ““*' *’°"· further, That notl more than dforty thousand dollars of the above appropriation shal be expende at any one post or station.

g,*{*d¥;g*;°g§;f¤d¤~ Bnuzacxs up ouaarmzs, PmL1r1>1N1a
ISLANDS! Continuing the

' work of providing for the proper shelter and protection of officers and enlisted men of the Army of the United States lawfully on duty in the Philippine Islands, including the acquisition of title to buildin sites when necessary, and including also shelter for the animals and supplies, aipd alll othea blpildings dnecessary for post administration pur- , d t d ll . '*`”‘“'P°"*"“°“· pOThhNs`rI>n;;lmldi~z or?uS·r1:i¤i Aiiiufrjun us surrmnsz Transportation ` of the Army, including baggage of the troops when moving either by land or water, and mic uding also tge transpoitation of recruits and recruiting parties eretofore pai from the appropriation for " Expenses of recruiting;" of supplies to the militia furnished b the War Department; of the necessary agents and employees; of clothing, camp and garrison equipage, and other quartermaster stores, from army gepots or plitces ofbpurclhase or dehvery to the severaé posts and army epots an rom t ose epots to the troo in the iiel ; of horse equipments and subsistence stores from the prlldces of purchase, and from the places of delivery under contract to such places as the cir- $¥¤“1“JZ3§°T$’L§hES?i'§'.L°.?iif“£.Z.l§°l`3i.€§ Ei’.°"i.i1’ .l’.“3S°"”;d°f.$.Ed”?`"°t‘Z; s , e n cs an a ornes the arsenals, fortifications, frontier posts, and army depots;' freights, wharfage, tolls, and ferriages; the purchase and hire of draft and pack angnpls and héxrqesz, and tlhe purchase pnd gepair of wagons, carts, an rays an o s ips an other vesse s an boats re uired for the trans rtation of troo s and su lies and for rrisonqur ses· for dravaxgfead tae Itth ppl ts h' gafte F pod ,th _ n car a e severa pos · 1re o ams ers an o er employeps; extra-duty paydof enlisted men driving teams, repairing means 0 transportation, an employed as train masters, and in o n- ing roads and building wharves; transportation of funds of the Ari); ; Sm of mmpom the expenses_of sailing public transports_on the various rivers, the mmma, Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic an Pacific oceans; no steamship in theilpapxort serviqe of me Un1tedhStates zlgall bg solld gr disppse gf wi ou e consen 0 `ongress avm en rst a or 0 taine · for procuring water, and introducing the same to buildings at such posts as from their situation require it to be brought from a distance, and for the disposal of sewage and drainage, and for constructi Payment to land- d h , _ f h I . ng gm,,,,,,m,,d,_ roa s an w ary es, or the payment of army transportation lawfully due such land-grant railroads as have not received aid in Government Mmmm. bpnds (to be adjusted in accordance with the decisions of the Supreme (,0urt in cases decided under such land-grant acts), but in no case h ll tha iift * t f f ll ' asis o com sa- , ‘ I') ll ll 8 SLS rw ,,,.. i»2L.,£§° Thu? ml F§L§§“S£€£,.? afi; €.§"é’.§‘.?.{.t3Z.i’°',§}1°“ if ’£"*‘ “°“· of the tariff or lower special rates for like transportation of rmed Hm wr wm w for the lpublic at large, and shall be acce ted as in full for aiicdemands maqimmnu mss, for suc _ séggvxez Bf’1·0Xr'de¢l fiart}Q:h·, That in elzfpending the money a ropria yt is cta rai ro com ny wich has 1 t r — '· d aidp in bonds of the United States, andpivhich obtainedua gfaht bf public land to aid in the construction of itsrailroad on condition that such gatigropjd pe 2; post ronmte apd military} road, subject to the useo e n1 es or posta ,mi itary,nava, a d th G · · - ment services, and also subject to such regulations is Soriégiregsliiisgr impose restricting the chagge for such Government transportation, having claims against the nited States for transportation of troops