Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/963

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS.— Sess. II. Ch. 804. 1901. 9].1 For pay of one chaplain, two thousand dollars; A d Igor pay of one associate professor of mathematics, two thousand 0 ars; . For pay of cadets, two hundred and twenty-nine thousand five hun- 0****- dred dollars; .Pr0*vided, That section thirteen hundred and nineteen, chapter four, title fourteen, of the Revised Statutes be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: _ "‘ Sec. 1319. Appointees shall be examined under regulations to be gxgmggqggé. 226 framed by the Secretary of War before they shall be admitted to the m餣iea.' ’p` Academy and shall be required to be well versed in such subjects as he may, from time to time, prescribe.” Pv·0vided_f’wrt}ter, That the Superintendent of the Militarv Academy P•=¤**l*Y f°’ bums shall make such rules, to be approved by the Secretary of War, as will effectually prevent the practice of hazing; and any cadet found guilty ,, of participating in or encoura ing or countenancing such plractice shall be summarily expelled from tie Academy and shall not thereafter be reappointed to the corps of cadets or be eligible for appointment as a ll commissioned officer 1H the Army or Navy or Marine Corps, until two years after the graduation of the class of which he was a member. `In all, for permanent establishment, two hundred and fifty-six thousand dollars; — _ For extra gay of officers of the Army on detached service at the E‘“`"°°”‘°°“* . Military Aca emy: For pay of one Su erintendent of the United States Military Acad- `emy (colonel), in addition to pay as captain, mounted, one thousand seven hundred dollars; For one commandant of cadets (lieutenant-colonel), in addition to gay as captain, not mounted, one thousand four hundred and eighty o ars; For pay of one instructor of practical military entgineering (major), in addition to pay as captain, mounted, five hundre dollars; For pay of one instructor of ordnance and science of gunnery (major), in addition to pay as captain, mounted, five hundred dollars; For pay of eight assistant professors (captains), in addition to pay as first lieutenants, not mounted, four thousand dollars; For pay of five senior instructors of cavalry, artillery, and infantry tactics, ordnance and gunnery, and practical military engineering (captains), in addition to pay as first lieutenants, not mounted, two thousand five hundred dollars; For ay of six assistant instructors of cavalry, artillery, and infantr tactics lhaptains), in addition to ay as second heutenants, not mounted? three thousand six hundred dollars; For pay of one adjutant, in addition to pay as second lieutenant, not mounted, six hundred dollars; · For pay of one treasurer and quartermaster, and commissary of gadlefs, in addition to pay as captain, not mounted, seven hundred o rs; For pay of one line officer on duty in Quartermaster’s Department, in addition to pay as iirst lieutenant, mounted, four hundred dollars; For additional pay of librarian, one hundred and twenty dollars; For additional pay of professors and officers (and officers on increased L<>¤z¤vi¤y. rank) for length of service, nine thousand three hundred and fifty-four dollars and twenty-five cents; In all, for extra pay of officers of Arm on detached service at the Military Academy, twenty-five thousandy one hundred and seventy- four dollars and twenty-five cents; ‘ · _‘ _ For pay of the Military Academy Band, field musicians, general Psyoieniiswd men. army service, cavalry detachment, and enlisted men on detached md' ° service, and extra pay for enlisted· men on special duty: