Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/929

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FIFTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 678, 800. 1901. 877 a drawbridge the draw shall be opened Eromptly upon reasonable signal Ligmfor the passage of boats as the ight- ouse Board ma prescribe. Sec. 3. That if said bridge erected and maintained undiir the authority ga'{,‘ggPS"“°‘°d ““"*‘ of this Act shall at any t1me substantially or materially obstruct the free navigation of said bay, or shall in the opinion of the Secretary of lVar obstruct such navigation, he is hereby authorized to cause such change or alteration of said bridge to be made as will effectually obviate such obstruction and such alteration shall be made and all such obstruction be removed at the expense of said county, and in case of any litigation arising from obstruction or alleged obstruction to the free navi tion of sa1d bay the case may be brought in the district court of the Uiliited States having jurisdiction thereof: Provided, That nothing §Q{s'?{§gk hw ,mim_ in this Act be so construed as to_ repeal or modify any of the provisions pairedof law now existing in reference to the protection of the navigation of rivers and bays or to exempt said bridge from the operation of the same. - e Sec. 4. That the brid e authorized to be constructed under this Act 8 S‘;°0’§;¤;’,>;g§ WM *° shall be built and located under and subject to such regulations for the ` security of navigation of said bay as the Secretary of War shall pre-ifirei scribe; and to secure that object the said county shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, a design and drawings of said bridge and a map of the location, prepared with reference to known datum plane upon prescribed scale, furnished by the engineer officer having supervision of said bay, and giving, for the space of two miles above and two miles below the proposed location of t e bridge, the topography of the banks of the bay, with shore lines at high and low water, the direction and strength of the currents at _ _all stages, and the soundings accuratel showing the bed of the stream, the location of any other bridge or bridges, and shall furnish such other information as may be required fora full and satisfactory understanding of the subject. And· until the said plans and location of the bridge are alpproved by the Secreta of War ·the bridge shall not be built; and s ould any change be mald5e in the plan of e said bridge during the process of construction such change shall be subject to the aporoval of the Secretary of War. Sec. 5. That the bridgesconstructed, maintained, and o rated under ,nI&“§fQ}1mu§,‘f“°‘“° this Act and according to its limitations shall be a lawiiil structure, and shall be recognized and known as a post route, upon which also no higher char e shall be made for the transportation over the same of the mails, tge troops, and the munitions o war of the United States than the rate per mile paid for transportation of said mails, troops and munitions over the railroads and public highways leading to said bridge; and the United States shall have the right of way for postal, telegraph, and telephone u ses over said bridge. . Sec. 6. That this Act sgallggs null and void if actual construction of .m,°g’§§§§§?m°“‘““d the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date hereof. Sec. 7. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Am°“"m°“‘· expressly reserved. · ' Approved, March 1, 1901. CHAP. 800.-An Act To carry into effect the sti ulations of article seven of the March 2.1901. treaty between the United States and Spain concluded on the tenth day of December, """"‘ — eighteen hundred and ninety~eight. ‘ · _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R resentatives of the United States og America in Congress assembled, Tegat the President of the d,&’{§'§§g{§i,g§*§f°§fgj United tates shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the ¤¤¤¤ of the United Senate, live suitable persons learned in the law, who shall constitute a ?$%tf°w?%T1¥$§v)SBS}K commission, whose duty it shall be, and it shall have jurisdiction, to “““‘°"·