Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/895

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 670. 1901. 843 ing salaries of agents, not to exceed two thousand four hundred dollars, expenses in placing and visiting children, and all office and sundry expenses, seven thousand dollars; or care of feeble-minded children, ten thousand dollars; For board and care of all children committed to the guardianship of .$§§’,§§»§,l,‘§il‘l,{°“j,,, said board by the courts of the District, and for the temporary care mct °°“*'*¤· of children pending investigation or while being transferred from gace to place, thirtg thousand dollars: Provided, That when the _§{1°;*j¤°bhmd with oard of Children’s uardians place an of such children in private puvatemmnmem. families, as far as practicable, such children shall be placed only in such families as are of the same religious denomination or belief as the parents or last surviving parent of the child, and this appropriation shall not be otherwise available. d F(p1é liprial of children who die while wards of the board, three hunre dollarsh Ir;} alllfgrlgoard of Cbildren’s Guardians, forty-seven thousand three un re o rs. hFoR ':.‘1H(§}I1}NDUSTR.IAL Home ScHooL: For maintenance, thirteen Sc{{’§,‘f’*£l H°m° thousand dollars. For repairs and improvements to buildings, fences, and grounds, two thousand dollars. For enlar ement and improvement of plant for industrial training, one thousangl dollars. For enlargement of girls’ cotta e, five thousand dollars. For the hational Association gor the Relief of Destitute Colored Women and Children, maintenance, including repairs, nine thousand nine hundred dollars. hFor téiei l§ewsboys’ and Children’s Aid Society, maintenance, one thousand dollars. Fdoié tlie Washington Hospital for Foundlings, maintenance, six thousan ol ars. - For Saint Ann’s' Infant Asylum, maintenarfce, five thousand four hundred dollars. V For the German Orphan Asylum, maintenance, one thousand eight hundred dollars. ·r12M1>oRARY HoMEs. For municipal lod ing house and wood and stone yard, including h(}‘\§§c”*g§g°1 l°d&'!¤8 rent, four thousand dillars. ’ ` For temporary Home for ex—Union Soldiers and Sailors, Grand Army of the Republic, two thousand five hundred dollars, to "`be gxpended under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of o umbia. · d Idior the W'omen’s Christian Association, maintenance, four thousand ol ars. d For Young Women’s Christian Home, maintenance, one thousand ollars. · on For Hope and Help Mission, maintenance, two thousand dollars. - That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby m§°}:g;iQm,f<Qg;¢gh§é authorized and directed to pay to the Columbia Polytechnic Institute Blind, payment w. for the Blind, a duly incorporated organization of the District of ‘m°’P‘577' Columbia, the sum of five thousand dollars, made available by Act of Congiress approved June sixth, nineteen hundred, " for the instruction an employment of the blind who are actual residents of the District of Columbia, and for the purchase and repair of machinery and tools which may be needed to equip a workshop for the blind of said District:" Pro/video], That such part of said appropriation as may be §',,”‘{,"§’,'g· disburse necessary maybe used to reimburse any officer of said Columbia Poly- gene? to be reim technic Institute for the Blind for any money he may have used of his um ' ogvn private funds for the equipping and maintenance of said works op,