Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/883

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FIFTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 670. 1901. 831 LIGHTING: For illuminating material, lighting, extinguishing, L‘¤**“'°¤· repairing, and cleaning public lamps on avenues, streets, roads, and alleys; purchasing and expense of erecting and maintainin new lampposts, street designations, lanterns, and xtures; movinglamp-posts, painting lamp·posts and lanterns; replacing and repairing lamp-posts and lanterns damaged or uniit fol‘ service; or rent of storeroom, cartage of material, and other necessagy items and services, one hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars: rovided, That no more than twenty _{§g’§“;g},mp dollars per annum for each street lamp shall be paid for gas and no ` more than twenty-four dollars for oil, lighting, extinguishing, repair— ing, painting, and cleanin under any expenditure provided for in this Act: Provided, That ji of said lamps shall burn every night, on —¤> bum cvcry¤is1¤¢- the average, from fifteen minutes after sunset to forty-five minutes before sunrise: Provided further, That before any expenditures are ;;r%g·;$cz¤1¤¢i¤s made from the appropriations herein provided for, the contracting gas ’ ' companies shall eguipi each street lamp with a self-regulating burner and tip, so, comb1ne and adjusted as to secure, under all ordinary variations of pressure and density, a consumption of five cubic feet of _ gas per hour: And provided fart er, That not more than ten thousand fO,*?'§‘,{’gQ,§ 0"}"“,§;§§ ollars of said appropriation may be expended for lighting, extinguish- `c¤¤di¢x><>wcring, repairing, painting, and cleaning public lamps of a higher candlepower than t ose prov1ded for above, which lamps shall not be subject to the restrictions of this paragraph excepting as to the time of burning. For electric-arc lighting, inc uding necessary insplection, and for E¤cc¢¤c1¤z¤¤¤¤- extensions of such service, -not excee ing sixt -five thousand dollars: _ Provided, That not more than seventy-two dollars per annum shall be ygucfggg-price ew paid for any electric arc light burning from fifteen minutes after sun- ’ ' set to forty-five minutes before sunrise, and operated wholly byl means of underground wire; and eacharc light shal be of not less t an one thousand -actual candle ower, and no part of this appropriation shall be used for electric lighting by means of wires that may exist on or over any of the streets or avenues of the city of Washington: Provided further, That the electric and gas light companies of the District uggggf m*;i¤;gw%gg of Columbia shall iile with the Commissioners of the District of annual agtemena. · Columbia on the first day of August, nineteen hundred and two, and annually tglflereafter, a Etéatc-iment showing their receipts and expenditures for e revious ca ear. Harmon ANI;) RIVER mom); For the improvement and dprotection of ,,§f,“{f"°' *""’ "“’°’ the harbor and river front, the enforcement of laws an regulations, _ construction and maintenance of wharves and buildings, and for other necessary items and services, three thousand dollars. _ BATHING BEACH: For the im rovement, care, and repair of the public B“°h“‘g b°“°h‘ bathing beach in the Potomac Ttiver, in the District of Columbia, two thousand dollars, five hundred dollars of which shall be immediately available. Fox P(§IBIélC %<£ALEs: For repair and replacement of public scales, Public “°**~‘°* two hun re dollars. Fon rmsmc roms: For the purchase, replacement, and repair of P“‘°"° ¥’“mP’- public umps, cleaning and rotecting public wells, filling abandoned or con emned publ1c wells, ve thousand dollars. BRIDGES. B"*"¤°"~ Fo; ortginaryh care gfdbridges, including keepers, oil, lamps, and Cmmatc es, our thousand ollars. ‘ For construction and repairs of bridges, fifteen thousand dollars. R"¥”**”·°*°· For completing the construction of a brid e across Rock Creek on the line of }l\Iassachusetts avenue extended, fgfty thousand dollars. Toward the construction of a bridge across Rock Creek on the line of Connecticut avenue extended, seventy-five thousand dollars. ‘