Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/803

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. SnSs. II. Ch. 192. 1901. 751 Sec. 13. That the Adjutant-General’s Department shall consist of D;*‘;{*g*g,§;G°¤°*¤*’¤ ' one Adjutant-General with the rank of major-general, and when a dissnimion. em. vacancy shall occur in the office of Adjutant-General on the expira- ,-,,§gE5 §Y‘1m’p‘2“‘ tioni of the service of the present incumbent, by retirement or other- _ wise, the Adjutant-Genera shall thereafter have the rank and pay of a brigadier-general, five assistant adjutants- eneral with the rank of colonel, seven assistant adjutants-general with the rank of lieutenantcolonel, and fifteen assistant adjutants-general with the rank of major: Hocided, That all vacancies created or caused by this section shall, as $*ggi¤<; . _ h far as possible, be filled by romotion accordi-ng to seniority of officers iillcd. ° °1€°’ °w ‘ of the Adjutant-General’s I)epartment. · Sec. 14. That the Inspector-General’s Department shall consist of 1¤¤pecu>rce¤em1·¤ one Inspector-General with the rank of briga ie1·-general, four ins ect- D`iS’§$$E§‘.,,,, em ors-general with the rank of colonel, four inspectors-general with, the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and eight inspectors—general with the rank of major: Provided, That all vacancies created or caused by this section_ promo. _ shall be filled, as far as possible, by promotion according to seniority m}Q§_°“”°’°*· "°“` of officers of the Inspector-General’s Department. _ Sec. 15. That the J udge-Advocate—General’s De artment shall con- Juagenaveeete. sist of one J udge-Advocate—General with the rank ogbrigadier- eneral, g‘Z§§j“l S D ° P "‘ ‘ two judge-advocates with the rank of colonel, three judge-agvocates °*‘8¤¤m¤¤¤·- with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, six judge-advocates with the rank of major, and fo1‘ each tgeographical department or tactical division of troops not provided wi a judge-advocate from the list of officers holding permanent commissions in the J udge—Advoca.te—General’s Department one acting (jud e-advocate with the rank, pay, and allowances of _ captain, mounte . Tromotions to vacancies above the grade of major, Vgg¤&¢i¤S . sbgve created or caused by this Act, shall be made, according to seniorit , §ii°ea,em.m°°°r’ ·°W from officers now holding commission in the J udge-Advocate-Generalgs f Department. Vacancies created or caused by t is Act in the grade of ' major may be filled by appointment of officers holding commissions as jud e-advocate of volunteers Since April twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. Vacancies wh1ch may occur thereafter in the grade of major in the J udge·Advocate-General’s Department shall be s lled by the appointment of officers of the line, or of persons who have satisfactorily Served as judge-advocates of f volunteers since April .. twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, or of persons from civil life who at date of appointment are..not, over thirty-five years of age and who shal%Vpass a satisfactory examination to be prescribed by the Secretary of ar. Acting judge-advocates provided for herein shall be detailed from mm ¤¤ acting · officers of the grades of captain or first lieutenant of the line of the v°°° ` ` Army who whi e so serving shall continue to hold their commissions in the arm of the service to which they permanently belong. Ulpon completion of a tour of duty not exceeding four years they shal be returned to the arm in which commissioned, and shall not be again detailed until they shall have completed two years’ duty with the arm of the service in which commissioned. ‘ Sec. 16. That the Quartermaster’s Department shall consist of one gtrjggsjmuwrsw Quartermaster-General with the rank of brigadier-general, six assist- morgamémen. ant quartermasters-general with the rank of colonel, nine deputy quartermasters-general with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, twenty quartermasters with the rank of major, sixty quartermasters with the rank of ca tain, mounted; the military storekeeper now provided for by law, and) one hundred and fifty post quartermaster-sergeants: Pm- $·:gi;¢;{·cm how vided, That all vacancies in the tgrade of colonel, lieutenant·colonel, sued. ' and major created or caused by is section shall be filled by promotion according to seniority, as now prescribed by law. That to iill ·°’i¤i¤¤1· original vacancies in the grade of captain created by this Act in the