Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/765

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FIFTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ras. 14-17. 1900. 713 [No. 14.] Joint Resolution Authorizin the priming of extra copies of the publica- M¤1'<=112r1900- tions of the Office of Naval intelligence, Navy Department. “_""_'—— Resobved by tbe Senate and House 0; R esentatises of the United States of America in Congress ass , (Clint the Secretary of the ugffgg Iggyglbgggglj Navy be, and is hereby, authorized to print, in excess of the one mem. ' thousand cpipies authorized by the Act of January twelfth, eighteen cogieujgtg ,,§{;.,,§{‘§$ hundred an ninety-five, such extra. copies of the publications of the °*v'§{‘§8°’§’ggé Oliice of Naval Intelligence as mgiy be necessary for distribution to the’` naval service and to meet other o cial demands: Bwvided, That in no case shall the edition of any one publication exceed two thousand copies. — m ` Approved, March 21, 1900. [Ng. 15.]“goint Resolution To amend joint resolution to furnish the daily Con- M¤rch26.190¤. ..gressional ord to members of the press, and so forth, approved February seven- `“—;""; teenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. Resobved by the Senate and House of -R esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, mt the "Joint resolution org°¤¤’°¤¤*°¤¤l R°°· to furnish the daily Co essional Record to members of the press rb be furnishes and so forth," approved]?-ebruary seventeenth, eighteen hundred and §’°`¥§{’,§‘,{’f,' ,,,,§,‘§§'f,Q ninety-seven, be amended so as to read as follows: §K1:&¤1°¤¤1 00* “Tha.t the Public Printer be, and he is hereby, authorized and V'dl.29;p.700. directed to supply to each newspaper correspondent whose name alppears in the ongressional Directory, and w o makes application t erefor, for his personal use and that of the pgper or papers he represents, one copy of the daily Congressional cord and one copy of the bound Congressional Record, the same to be sent to the office address of each member of the press, or elsewhere in the city of Washington, as he may direct. " Approved, March 26, 1900. —__>`_;U_ \ [No. 16.] Joint Resolution For appointment of members of Board of Managers of AP101 9. 1900- the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Resobved by the Senate and House ot Regresentatives of the United States of America in Congress ass led, hat Sidney G. Cooke, of D}§‘{,‘{,‘§“;,§ $$3;,gg; Kansas, Charles M. Anderson, of Ohio, and Alfred L. Pearson, of Sokdiem-_ t t { Pennsylvania, be, and the same hereby are, appointed as members of me¤i§°s°$§,° m°° ° the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers of the United States; Sidney G. Cooke to succeed himself, his resent term of service expiring A(pril twenty-first, nineteen hundred); Charles M. Anderson to succee himself, his presént term of service expirin April twenty-first, nineteen hundred; Alfred L. Pearson to succeedg himself, his present term of service expiring April twenty-first, nineteen hundred. Approved, April 9, 1900. [No. 17.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the printing of a special edition of the Av¤117· 1000- Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture for eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatvhzes of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be printed of part mgggggiicgggy two of the Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture for ljrinting of s1£ci·£1 eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, issued in accordance with section °°‘"°“ sr °" ‘ seventy-three, paragraph two, chapter twenty-three, Statutes at Large, Vol.2S,p.6l2.