Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/709

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 7 93-7 95. 1900. 657 authorized by this proviso: Provided fart/te2·, That such proceedings shall be had before a judge of the courts of the United States only, who shall hold such person on evidence establishing robable cause that he is guilty of the offense char ed: And providedpfart}tei·, That {,’gg3’&8<>· . meal odenses no return or surrender shall be made of any person charged with the excepted. commission of any offense of a political nature. If so held such person shall be returned and surrendered to the authorities in control of such forei n country or territory on the order of the Secretary of State of the l§nited States, and such authorities shall secure to such a person a fair and impartial trial." . · Approved, June 6, 1900. CHAP. 794.-An Act To grant right of way over Government lands for a pipe .Iunc6,1U00. line for the conveyance of water to Flagstaff, Arizona. ’ *“"— Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Rqm·esen.tatz“/zzes of the Zbzited _ States of .-imertca in Congress assembled, That a right of way for a ipe Fgggsrgag. {viz-. line through sections twenty-six, thirty-six, townshi twenty-tliree iii°mugngsa¤°rlliil north; sections two, twelve, fourteen, twenty-two, and) twenty-eight, ‘,§}f§f’f§;°,§§’f,@ §,‘j§‘?"’°· township twenty-two north, and sections four and sixteen, townshi twenty-one north, all in range seven east, Gila and Salt River meritlf . ian, in the San Francisco Forest Reserve, in the county of Coconino and Territory of Arizona, is hereby granted to the town of Flagstaff, a municipal corporation in said county and Territory, to the extent of the ·ound occupied by said pipe line and twenty-five feet on each side of tge center line of the same. Also the right to take from the lands adjacent to the lands hereby Use of mammals. granted material, earth, stone, and timber necessary for the construction, maintenance, repair, and control of said pipe ine. , Sec. 2. That said pipe line when constructed shall be maintained Control. and controlled exclusively for the use and benefit of the said town of Flagstaff by the municipal authorities thereof, and for the purpose only of conveying water through said pipe line to said town for its exclusive use and benefit. Sec. 3. That this Act shall take effect and bein force from and after Effectits passage. Approved, June 6, 1900. CHAP. 795.-An Act Changing place for holding court in the central division of June 6. 1900. the Indian Territory from Cameron to Poteau, and for other purposes. 1-;* Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of R'%~esentattves of the United States ofAme1·2ba in Congress assembled at subdivision three, of .g},<gg;1 ggrgiggg-at chapter one hundred and forty~five, of the United States Statutes at roms instead or Large, approved March first, eighteen hundred and ninety-tive, °‘““°’°"· entitled ‘ An Act to provide for the appointment of additional judges v¤1. p. sm. of the United States court in the Indian Territory, and for other purposes," which said subdivision reads as follows: ‘The central district shall consist of all the Choctaw countr , and the places of holdin court in said district shall be at South MleAlester, Atoka, Antlers, and Cameron," be amended by Striking out of said subdivision the word "Cameron" and inserting in lieu thereof the word “Poteau," so that said subdivision when amended shall read as follows: "The central district shall consist of all the Choctaw country, and the places of holding court in said district shall be at South McAlester, Atoka, Autlers, and Poteau." vox. xxxi-—42