Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/696

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644 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 791. 1900. b $01* engravinlg the glliusgrations necessary for the monographs and u etins, ten thousand dollars. hFor Iériintigng `and binding the monographs and bulletins, twenty thousand dollars. For the Department of Justice, thirteen thousand dollars. · For the Post-Oiiice De artment, exclusive of the Money-Order Oiiice, two hundred and fitpteen thousand dollars. For the Department of Agriculture, including ten thousand dollars for the Weather Bureau, one hundred thousand dollars. For the Department of Labor, eight thousand dollars. The Public Printer is hereby authorized to print such number of extra copies of. the bimonthly Bulletin of the Department of Labor, not to exceed twenty thousand of any single issue, when in the o inion of the (Commissioner of Labor the demand for the Bulletin makes an extra e ition necessary. For the Supreme Court of the United States, ten thousand dollars; and the printing for the Supreme Court under this appropriation shall be done y the printer it may emggoy, unless it shal otherwise order. fi Fg: tig-: séipereiine court of the istrict of Columbia, one thousand ve un re dollars. For the Court of Claims, twelve thousand dollars. For the Library of Congress, including the copyright department, End tlhe bingiggilrebinding, and repairing of library books, seventy- ve thousand dollars. For the Executive Oiice, two thousand dollars. ggfigglpgygfevon- For uprinting and binding the Annual Recport of the Secretary of `’` Agric ture,_ as required b the Act approve January twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, three hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. p£g{jg<>¤ ¤f ¤PP’°‘ And no more than an allotment of one-half of the sum hereby ' appropriated shall be expended in the first two quarters of the fiscal year, and no more than one-fourth thereof may be expended in either pif th: last qusjgrteig of tthe fiscal ytelar, except téiaéa, lin] additioré ere 0, in B1 er o said as uar ers, e unex en e aances o §"q’§{§;’;,um, report allotments for preceding quartlzrs may be expendgd: Provided, That excépreq- so much as may be necessary for printing and bindin the Annual Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, as requiref by the Act approyeg .£anuaryitvs{plft , eighteen hundred and ninety-five, shall not be inc u e in said a otments. mg‘;§,§,[,';f“°“° P"‘“*‘ I To enable tig; Pubéilc Printer ltci comply vylith the provisgonlsl og the Leavesof absence. aw ·antin irt s aunua eave to the em 0 ees o the overniilidnt Pr%nting sbiiige, two hundred and thirty?foiir thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. _ . ¤=¥>g{1<§>£§ti¤¤ fm Toward the construction of a fireproof building for the use of the e g` Governiplent liripting giiice and fo; eachfand evelry péirpcise connected therewit , inc u in the cost of al ro essiona an other ersona services that the Chiief of Engineers og the Army may deem neliessary, and forariecessary books and lperiodilgals, sind for tha rgnt og ofiige iéooms in a oc `ty convenient to the wor ,to e expen e un er the irec- _ tion and supervision of the said Chief of Engineers, seven hundred and sevent -‘1ive thousand dollars. _a{}‘¥;lI;*;°¥;;*°g;°;‘n ,3* Sec. 2. That all sums appropriated bv this Act for salaries of officers Zac.and employees of the Government shall be in full for such salaries for the iisoal year nineteen hundred and one, and all laws or parts of laws in coriilgct with the provisions of this Act be, and the same are hereby, re ea e . . E,{;j’j,§;§*},’;_‘} P"’°h“S° g4OUISIA1§'A PURCHASE Exrosrrioxz For defraying the expenses of Appropriation rm-. the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, when ippointed, ten thousand dollars; and when the Louisiana Purchase xposition of nineteen hundred and three, a corporation under the laws of the State