Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/630

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578 FLFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 789, 790. 1900. man, one thousand two hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; timekeeper, eight hundred dollars; assistant foreman, nine hundred dollars; tapper and machinist, nine hundred dollars; three steam engineers, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; property keeper, six hundred dollars; driver, four hundred and eighty ollars; host er, four hundred and eighty dollars; calker, seven gundred and twenty dollars; in all, thirty thousand six hundred and six= \ teen dollars. °°¤*i¤€°¤”?xP°°S°°“ For contingent expenses, including books, blanks, stationery, forage, advertising, printing, and other necessary items and services, two thousand five hundred dollars. F“°l»°*°· For fuel, repairs to boilers, machinery, and pumping stations, pipe distribution to hi h and low service, material for high and low service, including public gydrantsand fire plugs, and labor in repairing, replacingf raising, and lowering mains aymgi new mains and connections, an erecting and repairing fire plugs an public hydrants, ninety thousand dollars. For purchase of water meters, to be placed in such private residences as desired, and installed at the expense of the property owner, and said meters shall at all times remain and be the property of the water department, five thou.sand dollars. mgugfg? we “*“k‘ For interest and sinking fund on water-stock bonds, six thousand ` and twenty—Eve dollars. Extendi!18 high- For continuing the extension of the high-service system of wate1· “°"l°" s’“°m‘ distribution, to include all necessary land, machinery, buildings, mains, and appurtenances, so much as may be available in the water fund, during the iiscal year nineteen hundred and one, after providing fo1' · the expenditures ereinbefore authorized, is hereby appropriated. 01H?l1;¤19;c§;2u¤;*§i¢i¤¤¤ Sec. 2. That said Commissioners shall not make requis1tions upon °' the appropriations from the Treasury of the United States for a larger amount during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one than they make on the is-ippropriations arising from the revenues, including drawback cerf cates, of said District. · Approved, June 6, 1900. June 6, 1900. CHAP. 790.-An Act Making provision for er wergencies in river and harbor ———-—·;··· works, for certain surveys, and for the diversion of certain appropriations or modification of provi ions heretofore made. Be it enacted by the Senate cmd Haase of Representatives of the United e ug£l;;gl¤;g*gs¤g;¤¤1_{v<;; States efzlmertea in Congress assembled, That the sum of two hundnued _ nnn1nn~nerwn¤ke,eme. and fifty thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, A‘“°"“‘· to be dpaid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- Expenditure. riate , to be immediately available, and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, for the following purposes, to wit: · —-for <~>m¤rs¢¤¢i¤¤· (1) To provide for the restoration of channels, or river and harbor improvements, heretofore established O1' made by the Government, where, by reason of emer ency occurring since the passage of the river and harbor Act of hfarch third, eighteen hundred and ninety- nine, the usual depth of such channels, or customary use of such improvement, can not be maintained, and there is no sufficient fund —¤u<>n¤e¤ts. available for such restoration. The amount herein provided, or so • much thereof as is not required for the survegls hereinafter mentioned,

$eDdation of shall be allotted by the Secretary of War: ovided, That in no case

local engineer, exe., shall such allotment be made unless recommended by the local engi- ’°‘*“““°· neer having such channel or im rovement in charge, and the Chief of cmg, *°* ¤i¤€1° Engineers, respectively: farther, That for no single channel or improvement shall a sum greater than ten thousand dollars be