Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/627

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FIFTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 7 S9. 1900. 575 gred dollars; in all, sixteen thousand four hundred and fifty-two ollars. For Support of inmates, including groceries, ilour, feed, meats, dry goods, leathe1·, shoes, gas, fuel, hardware, furniture, tableware, farm implements, seeds, harness and repairs to same, fertilizers, books, stationery, plumbing, painting, glazmg, medicines and medical attendance, stock, fencing, repairs to buildings, and other ..ecessar * items, including compensation, not exceeding nine hundred dollars, {por additional labor or services, and for transportation and other necessary expenses incident to securing suitable homes for discharged boys, not exceeding five hundred dollars, all under the control of the Connnis- ‘ sioners, twenty-six thousand dollars. For additional amount for construction of assembly hall, five thousand six hundred dollars. - Raromu Scuoor. Fon GIRLS: Superintendent, one thousand dollars; g,§§f°"“ “°"°°‘ ‘°' treasurer, six hundred dollars; matron, six hundred dollars; two teachers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; overseer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; four teachers of industries, at two hundred and fifty dollars each; engineer, four hundred and eighty dollars; assistant engineer, three hundred and sixty dollars; night watchman, three hundred and sixty-five dollars; laborer, three hundred dollars; in all, six thousand three hundred and eiighty-Eve dollars. - For groceries, provisions, light, fue , soap, oil, lamps, candles, clothing, shoes, forage, horseshoeing, medicines, medical attendance, hack hire, transportation, labor, sewing machines, fixtures, books, Stationery, horses, vehicles, harness, cows, pigs, fowls, sheds, fences, re airs, and other necessary items, eight thousand dollars. For furnishing and equipping new uilding, five thousand dollars. FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE INSANE. For support of the indigent insane of the District of Columbia in the §‘f¥g?g§cgfj§4j°F;§50 Government Hos ital for the Insane in_said District as provided in pp-939.940.’ sections forty-eigllit hundred and forty-four and forty-eig t hundred and fifty of the Revised Statutes, one hundred and twenty-seven thousand dollars. _ For deportation from the District of Columbia of nonresident insane d§,§§°,,;§,'}§ “°“'°“i‘ persons, in accordance with the Act of Cong{ess “To change the pro- VM-30. 1>.811. ceedings for admission to the Government ospital for the Insane in certain cases, and for other purposes," approve January thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, one thousand dollars. _ · FOR INSTRUCTION OF THE DEAF AND DUMB. For ex enses attendin the instruction of deaf and dumb ersons .C°l¤¤¤*>i¤ I¤¤m¤- admittedgo the Columbig Institution for the Deaf and Dumb f1Pom the iiinillbior Dm and · District of Columbia, under section forty-eight hundred and sixty-four R‘S"s°°‘48°“*’*"°‘2‘ of the Revised Statutes, ten thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. FOR CHARITIES. Ch“'“‘°‘· Pmsmc CHARITIES2 For relief of the poor, thirteen thousand dollars. Relief 0* P°°*· For the Freedmen’s Hospital and Asylum, as follows: F'°°dm°¤'¤H°SP*¤*‘· For subsistence, twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars; For salaries and compensation of the surgeon in chief, not to exceed three thousand dollars; two assistant surgeons, clerk, assistant clerk, pharmacist, assistant pharmacist, Stewar , engineer, matron, nurses, laundresses, cooks, teamsters, watchmen, and laborers, sixteen thousand dollars; , For rent of hospital buildings and grounds, four thousand dollars: