Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/597

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FIFPY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 786. 1900. 545 as provided in this chapter shall be paid or discharged, an acknowledgment of satisfaction, signed gg the mortgagee, his legal represent.- ative or assigns, must be indors upon the mortgage or copy thereof filed as aforesaid, and the fact of such discharge or satisfaction noted by the recorder in the book kept by him, as provided in section three hundred and fourteen of this title, opposite the names of the parties to such mortgage. Sec. 322. ny person having conveyed an goods, chattels, or per- mgméfgggjy sonal property to another by mortgage who sha 1 during the existence ‘ of the lien- or title created by suchmortglage, sell the property or any part thereof to a third party for a v uable consideration without mforming him of the existence and effect of such mortgage shall forfeit and pay to the purchaser twice the value of such dproperty so sold, which forfeiture may be recovered in an action of ebt in any court having jurisdiction thereof. · Sec. 323. The lien of a mortgage on a growing crop continues on inMg¤s¤s¤ qu wwthe crop after severance, whet er remaining in its omginal state or g ’°°°‘ converted into another product, so long as the same remains on the land of the mortgagor. " Cnarrnn '1‘ma•rr-rwo. OF LIMITED PARTNEBSHIPS.- Sec. I Sec. 324. Limited partnerships, for what pur- 329. Effect of using name of special partpose formed. ner. · 325. General and special_ partners, their 330. Capital stock not to be reduced durliability and deiimtmn of. mg partnership. 326. Certificate for limited partnership, 331. Actions, etc., by and against mem- g what to contain and where filed. bers of partnership. .§ 327. Certificate tobe published; effect of 332. Dissolution of partnershi , notice, _ , ‘_ Z-

 statement tlierein. g _ ‘ how filed and published?‘\ j

328. Lumted-partnership, how continued 333. When to beconsidered general part- , and renewed. ners. Sec. 324. Limited partnerships for the transaction of mercantile, smLi¤1i*g; v1;}g;t¢¤$J; mechanical, or manufacturing business may be formed within the dis- posiésfomea. P trict by two or more persons, upon the terms and subject to the conditgons and ligiiiltgtgiorgs containsid in this chapterk . Ec. 325.'te rtners i may consist o one or more rsons mm] md who are known and callzd gener£ partners, and are iointly anldcseverz ig;.-niirhsirigtion - ally liable as. eneral partners now are by law, an of one or more persons who grail contribute to the common stocka specific sum in actual money as capital and are known and called special partners, and are not personally liable for any debts of the partnership except as in this chapter specially fprovided. _ Sec. 326. he persons orming such partnerships shall make and m<jlér¤¤§]¤*;é¤r 1;:; ` severally subscribe a certificate in duplicate and ile one of such cer- mc¤lila¤`i.m°¤¤ap{vviere tificates with the recorder of the prec1nct in which the rincipal place m°d· of business of the partnershi is to be. Before being filled the execution of such certificate shall) be acknowledged by each artner subscribing it before some officer authorized to ·take acknowlddgments of deeds; and such certificate shall contain the"“‘name assumed by the partnership and under which its business is to be conducted, the names and respective places of residence of all the general and special partners, the amount of ca ital which each specia partner has contributed to the common stock, the eneral nature of the business to be transacted, and the time when tire partnership is to commence and when it is go termgnaée. h h in t be b. nc. 32 . uc rtners i can not commence before the Hlin of .C°”_ °'* °*° “ _ the certificate of pgztnership? and if a false statement is made in gich iiiiigiiisiitfiiriabiiiiiilse von xxx1——35 `