Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/59

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 12-14. 1900. 7 be needed, is hereby appropriated, one-half out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated and the other half out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, to be immediately available. Approved, February 8, 1900. CHAP. 13.-An Act To amend section forty-eight hundred and forty-three of the February 9,1900. Revised Statutes. _ ·····*—·~—-——· Be it enacted by the Senate and Hmtse7e|gf Representatives of the United States pif America in Congress ass Zed, That section forty-eight APW Dep ¤r¤¤¤¤¤ hundre and forty-three of the Revised Statutes be amended by insert- iiiiihiseren to me ing the word "Pay" in line eight after the word "Quartermaster’s," §,‘§.§§§,“}‘§‘,‘;,Q‘,§§,‘{§‘{’,§{’,’},{ so that the paragraph will read: "Second. Civilians em loyed in the ized of civilian em- Quartermaster’s, Pay, and Subsistence Departments of the Army who p1izi§iS§ee.4s4s,p.sss, may be, or may hereafter become, insane while in such employment." ““"’“d€d· Approved, February 9, 1900. CHAP. 14.-An Act Making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in the F<¤br¤ary9,1900. appropriations for the Hscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, and for `;”`°°;‘"' prior years, and for other purposes. I Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, pegrereneree approand the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treas- p"“"°““‘ ury not otherwise appropriated, to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fisca year nineteen hundred, and for prior years, and for other objects hereinafter stated, namely: _ EXECUTIVE OFFICE. Executive emee. For contingent expenses of the Executive Office, including stationery ceuungemexpeesee. therefor, as well as record books, telegrams, telephones, books for library, miscellaneous items, and furniture and carpets for offices, care of office carriage, horses, and harness, being for the fiscal years as follows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred, two thousand two hundred and seventy-nine dollars and eighteen cents. For the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, seven hundred and twenty dollars and eighty-two cents. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. mgeasury neperr- To continue the employment of the following clerks and other Temporary empiey- em loyees from April first to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, w' inclhsive, rendered necessary because of increase of work incident to the war with Spain, namely: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY! FOI' two Cl81`kS, 31) t»lZlG 1‘&l'rB of I1lI18 —in offce of Secrehundred dollars per annum each; and six aper counters and laborers, ‘“"'· at the rate of six hundred and twenty doliiars per annum each, in the division of loans and currency; in all, one thousand three hundred and eighty dollars. - OFFICE OF AUDITOR FOR TREASURY DEPARTMENT: For three clerks -Aurmer. of class one, nine hundred dollars. OFFICE os AUDITOR FOR WAR DEPARTMENT: For eight clerks of —Aydi¤>trf<>rW¤r Declass four; seventeen clerks of class three; ten clerks of class two; Imm°“` ‘ thirty clerks of class one; ten clerks, at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum each; ten clerks, at the rate of nine hundred dollars per annum each; and three laborers, at the rate of six hundred and