Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/373

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 785. 1900. 321 For destruction of clothing and bedding for sanitary reasons, one hundred and thirtygtwo dollars and forty-two cents. CLAIMSVALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. Claim ¤¤¤W¢d by the Auditor for the _ · . I Interior Department. For contingent expenses of land offices, twelve dollars and sixty-five L¤¤<1 offices. cents. V For surveying the public lands, thirteen_thousand and seven dollars S¤¤v<¤Yi¤s· and eighty-t ree cents. Indians: For surveying and allotting Indian reservations, twenty- -I¤¤i¤¤¤- nine dollars and seventy-three cents. “I For surveying a portion of Blackfeet Reservation in Montana, ten dollars. ‘ _ · Pensions: For Army pensions, thirty dollars. P¢¤¤i¤¤¤· CLAINIS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR- THE STATE AND OTHER ,h(g?‘f§'§,‘§,,‘j},}°§f,‘}d $1*; DEPARTMENTS. SMB. ew-. Departments. { DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Derarvmeurofsmcc. For salaries, consular service, thirty-two dollars and fifty cents. °°“““1*f”°“'*°°· For relief and protection of American seamen, sixteen dollars and P’°*°°“°g “°*“”°¤· thirty cents. . DEPARTMENT OFAAGRICULTURE. c`11}fu¥;*;f°m°“*°‘A€**· For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry, one dollar imguuggi 0* A¤i¤¤¤ and nine cents. ` ‘ DEPARTMENT or JUsT1cE. t,£f’P°’*m°¤* 0* ·*'¤¤· For pay of bailiifs, and so forth, United States courts, eighteen Bumsdollars. ` CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE POST-OFFIOE DEPARTMENT. th0l¤i¤¤¤.¤U<$W¤<i by e Auditor for the · . _ ‘ Post-Office Depart- For clerk hire, thirty-seven dollars and {Ifty cents. mfffgik mm ·Approved, June 6, 1900. CHAP. 786.-An Act Making further provision for a civil government for Alaska, gg ·Tu¤€ 6.1900- and for other purposes. _ _ . i ’ D . Be it enacted by the Senate and House pif Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemble -, TITLE I. g CHAPTER ONE. Sec. 1. That the territory ceded to the United States by Russia by $],g$v§g;,us for CM, the treaty of March thirt1eth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and sogfglzimgng. _ d_ i I known as·Alaska, shall constitute a civil and ]udicial district, the gov-· district. Ju lc ° ernment of which shall be organized and administered asthereinafter §€‘§;j§gb§é§¤”§;e¤t provided. The temporary seat of government of said district is hereby arlgyorigouestablished at_Juneau: Provided, That the seat of government shall .m reuigiu amp., remain at Sitka until suitable grounds and buildings thereon shall be mm? “*S“k“· obtained biyli purchase or otherwise at J umau. _ _ SEO. 2. here shall be appointed for the d1str1ct a governor, who p(§§§’€‘§,‘#‘°' *0 "° *‘P‘ shall reside therein during is term of office and be charged with the _ v0L xxm;21 ·