Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/352

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300 · FIFTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 785. 1900. examining a public survey, under section twenty-two hundred and twenty-three of the Revised Statutes of the United States and_ the s ecial instructions of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, tgree hundred and eighteen dollars. Oguwgggj g¢¤¤¤¤l’¤ For expense and clerk hire in the office of the surveyor-general in °°’ the State of Utah for the fiscal year endin June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, and the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred aniila one, in addition to appropriation previously made, two thousand do rs. . r€·;,\;g¢;;ii%¤§¤¤i¤i¤w To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury ` on accountof the appropriation "Appraisal and sale of abandoned military reservations " for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eigh t, twenty-five dollars and nine cents. Ge¤1¤zic¤1S¤rv•=y· GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. To supply a deficiency in the following appropriations of the Geological Survey for the Hscal years ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun dred and ninety-seven, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, eighteen hundred and ninety-ni·ne, and nineteen_ hundred, required to pay vouchers which were not received until after the appropriations were exhausted, as follows, namely: · G¤usi¤s ¤¢r¤¤¤¤· For gauging the Streams, and so forth, fiscal years eighteen hundred and ninety-seven and eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, three hundred and two dollars an<§twenty-six cents. Surveys- For topograplhical surveys in various portions of the United States, fiscal years cig teen hundred and ninety-seven and eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, one hundred and forty dollars and eighty-one cents, s0§gg;¤· mi¤*=m1*°· For preparation of the report of the mineral resources of the United ,States, fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, thirty-eight dollars and sixty-two cents. ‘ L“>mY· For purchaseof necessary books for the library, fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, eighteen dollars and sixty-five cents. Al”k“»m”P¤· For maps of Alaska, eighteen dollars and fifty cents. Q‘$§;§,SC§§g§§uvg,§;§ For irrigation investigations, Gila River and Queens Creek, Arigntious. zona, one hundred and nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents. c,§;;]¤g§°¤*¤'* °x‘ For payment, for transmission of public documents through the ` Smithsonian exchange for the fiscal year nineteen hundred, four thousand nine hundred and twelve dollars and forty-four cents. Indian Mum- INDTAN AEEMRS. sc§1gg§_figt*g¤d°”* °{ To payamormts found due by the accounting officers of the Treas- `ury on account of the agproplriation for "Traveling expenses, Indian school superintendent," J or the fiscal years as follows: For the fiscal . ear nineteen hiindred, one dollar and sixty-six cents. _ For the fiscalv year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, Sixty-six dollars and forty-four cents. g _ S For the Hscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, two dollans and fifty cents. I Supplies. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "Telegraphing, and purchase of Indiansup ]ies," for the seal years as follows: _ For the filscal ear nineteen hundred, two thousand one hundred and twenty-nine dollsars and nine cents. For the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninet —nine, three thousand two hundred and twelve dollars and Seventy-three cents. For the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, one thousand and twenty-five dollars and eighty-six cents.