Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/346

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294 F IFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 785. 1900. and farm, includin the same objects specified under these heads for the Central Brancg in the appropriations made for the fiscal year nineteen hundred, ten thousand] dollars. · That appropriations made for the fiscal year nineteen hundred, or _ . that may hereafter be made, for the construction of buildings at any of the branches of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers shall continue available until expended. . N*“`>'D°p°"m€“‘· NAVY DEPARTMENT. Nm`- NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. PM'-. . PAY or THE NAvY.—For the a ment of the followin -named offiouigggsiinigee; cers of the United States Navyfgthiiir heirs or legal repgiiesentatives, °“"=““"‘°““d‘ the amounts hereinafter stated, for expenses of subsistence at Key West, or Havana, or both, between February fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and May first, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, checked, or directed to be checked, against their accounts: Captain Charles D. Sigsbee, one hundred and t irty-seven dollars and thirty-three cents; Commander Richard Wainwright, nine dollars; Lieutenant-Commander George F. W. Holman, ninety-two dollars and sixty-three cents; Lieutenant John Hood, one hundred and one dollars and thirty-three cents; Lieutenant Carl W. Jungen, ninety-five dollars; Lieutenant Frederic C. Bowers, one hundred and one dollars and thirty-three cents; Lieutenant George P. Blow, sixty-five dollars and thirty-three cents; Lieutenant Wilfrid V. Powelson, twenty-five dollars and ninety-three cents; Lieutenant John R. Morris, one hundred and one dollars and thirty-three cents; Ensign Frank H. Brumby, _ sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents; Ensign Jonas H. Holden, one hundred and forty dollars and seventy-six cents; Ensign Wat T. Cluverius, one hundred and forty dollars and seventy-six cents; Ensign Po e Washington, eighty-four dollars; Ensign Arthur Crenshaw, eighty-four do lars; Ensign Amon Bronson, one hundred and one dollars and thirty-three cents; Ensign David F. Boyd, ninety-eight dollars and thirty-three cents; Surgeon Lucien G. Heneberger, one hundred and forty-two dollars; Paymaster Charles M. Ray, one hundred and forty-two dollars; Chaplain John P. Chidwick, one hundred and forty dollars and seventy-six cents; Ca tain Albertus W. Catlin, United States Marine Corps, eighty-four dyollars; Boatswain Francis E. Larkin, eighty-four do lars; Gunner Charles Morgan, eighty-five dollars and twenty cents; Gunner Joseph Hill, one hundred and seven dollars and thirty-three cents; Carpenter George Helms, one hundred and nine dollars and four cents; Pay Clerk Brent McCarthy, ninety- two dollars and thirty-three cents; Pay Inspector Arthur Burtis, eighty-four dollars (paid on account of Lieutenant John J. Blandin, deceased); the heirs or legal representatives of the late Charles P. Howell, commander, United States Navy, one hundred and forty dollars _ and seventysix cents; in all, two thousand six hundred and fifty-six _§,§§§,‘§{’;0¤s_ dollars an forty-eight cents: Provided, That from each of the said amounts there shall be deducted any amounts that may have been paid to the said officers respectively for the commutation of rations for the days on which the said expenses were incurred. adfiirgizil ¤¤¤<>¤¤¤ of GENERAL ACCOUNT or ADVANCES. V°‘·2°·P·“”· To reimburse "General account of advances," created by the Act of June nineteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight (Twentieth Statutes at Large, page one hundred and sixty-seven), for amounts advanced therefrom and expended on account of the several appropriations named in excess of the sums appropriated therefor, for the