Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/319

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FIFI‘Y—SIXTH CONGRESS. ssss. 1. Cns. 715,716. 1900. 267 Amend section eight so that it shall read as follows: ' " Sec. 8. That whenever any boy under the age of seventeen years Commitmenzorboys shall be brought before any court of the District of Columbia, or any ““°"°' "‘ judge of such court, and shall be convicted of any crime or misdemeanor punishable by tine or imprisonment, other than imprisonment for life, such court or judige, in lieu of sentencing him to imlprison- -¤yw11¤111 mace - ment in the county jail or ning him, may commit him to the eform School, to remain until he shall arr1ve at the age of twenty-one years, unless sooner discharged by the board of trustees. And the jludges of- ***1 Wh¤*°”·¤°¤· the criminal and police courts of the District of Columbia s all have power to commit to the Reform School, first, any boy under seventeen years of age who may be liable to punishment by imprisonment under any existinjg law of the District of Columbia, or any law that may be enacted an in force in said District; second, any boy under seventeen years of age, with the consent of his parent or guardian, against whom any charge of committing any c`rime or misdemeanor shall have been made, the punishment of which, on conviction, would be confinement in jail or prison; third, any boy under seventeen years of age who is destitute of a suitable home and adequate means of obtaining an honest living, or who is in danger of being brought ug, or is brought up, to lead an idle or vicious life; fourth, any boy un er seventeen dyears of age who is incorrigible, or habitually disregards the comman s of his father or mother, or guardian, who leads a va ant life, or resorts to immoral places or practices, or neglects or regirses to perform labor _ suitable to his years and condition, or to attend school. And the presi— p,§,‘},’{Q,},‘;’,§,“§,$,;’,f, Q}; dent of the board of trustees may also commit to the Reform School trusteessuch boys as are mentioned in the foregoin third and fourth classes upon application or complaint, in writing, otfa parent,_or guardian, or relative aving charge of such boy, and upon such testimony in regard to the facts stated as shall be satisfactory to him; and for taking testimony in such cases, he is hereby em wered to administer oaths. " Amend section nine so that it shallgead as follows: ' . “Sec. 9. That every boy sent to the Reform School shall remain P¢ri¤<1¤f d¢t¢¤ti¤¤- until he is twentygone years of age, unless sooner discharged or bound as an a rentice. Amehg section fifteen so that it shall read as follows: ·" Sec. 15. That the board of trustees may make such by-laws, rules, BY·1¤w¤- and regulations for their own government and that of the institution, its officers, employees, and inmates, the employment, discipline, instruction, education, removal, and absolute, temporary, or conditional release of all boys committed to the school, as they may deem necegssary am; plfoppr, and ais gg nogcogtrary to the Constitution and to the laws 0 the istrict o um ia. Approved, June 5, 1900. CHAP. 716.-An Act For the relief of the Colorado Cooperative Colony; to per- June 5,1900. mit second homesteads in certain cases, and for other purposes. 1*;** Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f R'?wesentatives of the United States of Amerzea in Congress assembled, That the time for making t,C¤g>r{¤d¤ Cvvpemiinal proof and payment for all lands located under the desert-lan $1112 °g1iv£e11ae11 to laws of the United States by members of the Colorado Cooperative ggf§’°g§cf‘h§§',,{’,§,{g Colony, namely: Number four hundred and ninety-four, George urider aesem Douglass, section four, township forty-six north, range fifteen west; md ""' °°°' num er four hundred and thirty-eight, Erskine Easton, section five, township forty-six north, range fifteen west; number four hundred and twenty-one, Ruth R. M1ller, section five, township forty-six north, range fifteen west; number four hundred and sixty-six, Evelyn Winter, section five, township forty-six north, range fifteen west; number