Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/314

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262 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 614, 615, 619. 1900. J¤¤<~>2·1900· CHAP. 614.-An Act To amend section forty-four hundred and fourteen, title —_""°°‘_"'""‘ fifty-two, Revised Statutes of the United States. . Be it enacted by the Senate and I{mt§e$f?}2;·g0resentatioes of the United ‘ §g£g<>.£1>{gé&1 m_ States of America in Congress assemble {That section fortfy-four hunspectors of steam vee- dred and fourteen, title fifty-two, of the Revised Statutes 0 the United “°}§_‘g‘}‘§,‘;Y‘§f{},,“f;_855 Statesi as a?ended1 bydthe Ac? of Congress approvedd lgarch first and amended. secon ei¤· teen un re an ninety-tive be amen e by insertin .v°1‘28’{°p'699’v843` therein; th; words "Toledo, Ohio," after the’words “Mobile, Alabamag Approved, June 2, 1900. · . _ June 2,1900. 6}% Aid; Reggiiring the disbursing clerk of the Census Office to Hle -—————···;· an 1 iona on ,an oro er purposes. . ~ Be it enacted Qc; the Senate and Ikase of R¥¤resentatioes of the United f)§§g$S?¤”;°‘g,erk, States of America in Congress assembled, That the Director of the ggggggl ¤¤¤¤ re Qe¤S¤S_be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to requwe the ‘ d1sbursing clerk of the Census Office to give bond to the Secretary of the Treasury, in addition to that now reqluired by law, in the penal sum of two hundred and fifty thousand do lars, which bond shal,p.1014. form to the requirements of an Act entitled "An Act tgaprovide for taking the Twelfth and subsequent censuses,” approved arch third, eighteen hundred and ninegv-nine, in relation to the bond to be filed by -1jrvg¤Lw- _ _ the disbursing clerk of the ensus Office: Provided, That the Director gilmltr °°“*“‘“““°° of the Census may dispense with such additional bond after June ~ _ thirtieth, nineteen undred and on_e. _ —s¤J¤rv¤¤¤re¤¤¤é· I _ Slno. That theisglaryhof the dlS2Zi)}11’S1§g clirilk ge Cenius O1;€Hce 1S , ere increase or e year_ en ing une 1 18 mne een un- · dred andy one, in the sum of five hundred dollars, so that for the year commencingduly first, nineteen hundred, and ending June thirt1eth, nineteen-} hundred and one, the salary of said officer shall be three . thousand dollars. - WMP °m€*°‘°'k°° Sec. 3. That in the absence of the Director and Assistant Director beiming Duecmh the chief clerk Shall serve as Acting Director. , Approved, June 2, 1900. June 4, RGHA?.h6?.-31An Act Authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Red ——‘*‘"’** iver 0 the ort . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of .Rr‘%resentat¢}ves of the United Bgpgiggg fgying States of America in. Congress assembled, at the Cooper Pontoon ggegertigeepmver or Bridge Company, of Wla1s%1Cour§ty};St§te·of lglrgith Igailgotlg, a cgrporadi ° ° · tion organize un er the laws 0 the tate o ort a ota e an is hereby, authorized to construct and maintain a pontoon bridge; and approac es thereto across the Red River of the N ort between the State Lqce¤i¤¤· of Minnesota and the State of North Dakota, extending from a point on said riyer where the section line running east and west between sections eight and seventeen, townshars one hundred and fifty-seven north, of randge fifty west, in Marsh Countg, State of Minnesota, intersects said river, to a point o(pp0site in`the tate of North Dakota. Said bridge shall be constructe so as to provide for the passa e of wagons and vehicles of all kinds, animals, and foot passengers, and for Toll. road travel, for such reasonable rates of toll and under such rules and regulations as_may be prescribed by said corporation and approved from time to time by the Secretary of War. mpgagglgggigasgzuc- Sec. 2.h'1{pit any bréidige built undeg tlgslixst and subjegt toliltés lim- ‘ ‘ itations s a e a aw u structure an s a e reco nize an nown _ as a post route, upon which also nd higher charge shadl be made for the