Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/304

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252 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. ·CHs. 612, 613. 1900. striking out the following words · at the end of section two ·thereof: ·Wh°““’·‘“”°°“‘°d· "That said water-main tax, or assessment, or reassessment shall be due, payable, and collectible on each lot or parcel of land or premises on and after the- date on which the connection is made from the water main to thesaid-lot or parcel of land or premises," and inserting in —¤¤¤¤¤· lieu thereof the following: "That hereafter, whenever a water main e . or_ mains shall be laid in the District of Columbia, the water-main assessment or taxauthorized by· law shall be assessed within thirty days after such water main or mains shall have been laid and the owner ’ or owners affected by this assessment or tax shall be notined that the same has been assessed by a notice inserted daily, Sundays excepted, for two weeks in two newspapters ggblished in the District-of Columbia, -1¤<>w v¤¥¤¤1°- and such assessmentfor tax s all pa able in four equal installments, the first of which shall be payable without interest within thirty days of the date of the last pub ication.of said notice, the second within one year, the third within two years, and the fourth within three years -i¤tere¤t ¤¤ ¤v¢-=rd¤¤ from the date of-the last publication of said notice, and interest at the °°ym°°°°°` rate of ten per centum per annum shall be charged on all amounts which shall remain unpa1d at the expiration of thirty days from the 1`;’)`gvtg8qé¤t for y_ date of the last publication of said notice_: Preceded, That if the assess- Elgin mmmn. pa ment or tax is paid in full at any time within thirty days after the last publication of said notice an abatement of six per centum shall be mm °‘ P“l’“°m”g allowed onthe entire amount of said assessment. The cost of publication of the notice herein provided for shall be added to the amount of said assessment and collected in the same manner that said assessment is collected. " · 1 liggrngggmggfyg Sec. 2. That in all cases where a water main has heretofore been or gtisue mem, ew. may hereafter be laid in a public street or way, and is order to secure ’ ‘· · " the laying of such main the cost or a partthereof has beenpaid to the · District ofColumbia prior to the laying of said main by any person or corporation, there s all be repaid from time to time to suc person or corporation, out of the collections from the assessment for such main, all · of the amounts so paid over and above the assessment chargeable against the land owned or controlled by said person - or corporation. · i · m§1gig}:gggdg§°¤,‘j§j Sec. 3. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and paid mes, em. they are hereby, authorized andrdirected to cancel the assessment of

wateremain taxes unpaid on Briihtwood avenue for the laying of the

water main about July twentiet , eighteen hundredand ninety-five, from Fort Reno reservoir to and on Brightwood avenue from the Military road to Aspen street, where the water has not been introduced from said main on adjoinin (property since said water main was laid; and they are authorized auf `rected to reassess the tax for lay- i said main on Brightwood avenue according to existing law. Repeal- Dino. 4. That all laws or parts of laws inconsistent with this Act are • hereby repealed. - a » 2Approved, June 2, 1900. Juue2, 1900. CHAP. 613.-An Act appropriations for the service of the Post·OiHce . ··;;"‘·‘— Department for the fiscal year en ing June thjrtiethnniueteen hundred and one. Be it enacted by the Senate and H'0nsZ%f’ Regvresenmiévee of the United ` rgostnglioggmce ¤P· States of America in Congress assemb , That the following sums be, pV%l.5,p.8lJt and they are herebv, appropriated for the service of the ost-Oflice Department, in conformity with the Act of July second, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, as follows.: . _ P<>Stm¤s¤er·Ge¤¤r¤r . — · OFFICE OF THE POSTMZASTER-GENERAI.. Advertising. For advertising, seven thousand dollars. Miscellaneous. For miscellaneous items_in the office of the Postmaster-General, one thousand dollars.